Mukhina N.V. The health status and physical activity of first-year students of Borisoglebsky branch of Voronezh State University.....................................................................................5
Smirnov S.V., Kuzmin S.A., Solodovnikov V.V., Vakhitov E.M. The importance of medical and social factors in the formation of motivation for military service among conscripts of the Orenburg region..........................8
Safiullina A.A., Ivanichev G.A., Cherepnev G.V., Safiullina G.I. Problem of diagnostics’ improvement as the main factor of improving efficiency during treatment of myofascial pain syndrome...........................12
Tarasyuk S.D., Manakov L.G. Optimization mechanisms of management and administration of medical care to pulmonary profile patients at the regional level..............................................................................17
Reshetnikova I.D., Mamkeev E.Kh., Fassakhov R.S., Garipova R.V., Lokotkova A.I. The efficiency monitoring of vaccination against hepatitis B among health personnel............................................................26
Khabriev R.U., Malichenko V.S. Harmonization principles and perspectives of pharmaceutical legal regulation: formation of EAEU single p.............................................30
Nizamov I.G., Sadykova T.I., Valeev Z.G. Results of application of Ben tables as tools for the analysis of difference in diagnoses at patients died in emergency hospital of Kazan.....................38
Vafin A.Y., Smirnov A.O., Gataullin M.R., Sherputovsky V.G. Medical and statistical aspects of medical care service of participants of 16th FINA World Aquatics Championships 2015 in Kazan.........................46
Bogdanova T.G. The medical care system of the Chuvash Republic in 2014.................................50
Karakina M.L. The adult patients with primary immunodeficient diseases register of Sverdlovsk region ....57
Khisamiev R.Sh., Amirov N.B., Vizel A.A., Guinyatullina L.R., Sabirov L.F., Amirova R.N., Spiridonov A.V. The results of the hospitals’ activity of Interior Ministry of Russia in tractate of VIII All-Russian scientific-practical conference «Pressing questions of diagnosis, treatment and prevention in general practice»................64
The health status and physical acti vit y of first-year students of Borisoglebsky branch of Voronezh State University
Natalia V. Mukhina, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the theory and methodology of primary education sub-faculty of Borisoglebskiy branch of Voronezh State University [394006 Voronezh, Universitetskaya square, 1;
Abstract. Currently, there is aggravation of health status and exercise training of the high schools’ students. The health promotion of students is one of the main social problems of society. The objective of the study was to analyze the health status and the attitude to physical culture and to the sports of the first-year students. The most students are pleased with their health’s level. At the same time, 25% of young people have the chronic diseases. It was found that the partial following the rules of healthy lifestyle and low physical activity characterized the most students.
Key words: the health, healthy lifestyle, the physical education, the students.
The importance of medical and social factors in the formati on of moti vati on for milit ary service among conscripts of the Orenburg region
Sergey V. Smirnov, Therapeutist of FPI «Military Commissariat of the Orenburg region», Doctoral Candidate of public health and health care sub-faculty of SBEI HPE «Orenburg State Medical University of Ministry of the Russian Federation» [460000 Orenburg, Kirov str., 28]
Sergey A. Kuzmin, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Chairman of the Military Medical Commission of FPI «Military Commissariat of the Orenburg region», Professor of Disaster Medicine sub-faculty of SBEI HPE «Orenburg State Medical Academy» [460000 Orenburg, Kirov str., 28;
Vitaly V. Solodovnikov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of Disaster Medicine sub-faculty of SBEI HPE «Orenburg State Medical Academy» [460000 Orenburg, Sovetskaya str., 6]
Edward M. Vakhitov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of Disaster Medicine sub-faculty of SBEI HPE «Orenburg State Medical University of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation»
Abstract. The aim of the study was establishing of the basic medical and social factors having a significant impact on the formation of motivation to military service at conscripts. As a result of the anonymous survey of 1 732 conscripts, it was found that the whopping number of respondents (1 311 men or 75,69%) considered the «Compulsory military service as constitutional duty of every citizen of the Russian Federation». 14,9% and 5,02% of conscripts are for professional army and alternative civil service. 4,39% of the conscripts found difficulty in the answer. Due to the fact that the results obtained among rural and urban residents had a significant difference, we performed a comparative analysis of their level of motivation for military service and established statistically significant differences between the opinions of recruits. The factor analysis determined that 5 factors influenced the diversity of medical and social grounds, found during the anonymous survey of conscripts. Thus, the high motivation at the rural conscripts to the compulsory military service was established and it was significantly higher than at urban ones.
Key words: military service, conscript, medical-social indications.
Problem of diagnostics’ improvement as the main factor of improving efficiency during treatment of myofascial pain syndrome
Aigul A. Safiullina, Postgraduate student of neurology, reflexotherapy and osteopathy sub-faculty of SBEI APE «Kazan State Medical Academy» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation [420012 Kazan, Mushtari str., 11;
George A. Ivanichev, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, chief of neurology, reflexotherapy and osteopathy sub-faculty of SBEI APE «Kazan State Medical Academy» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation
George V. Cherepnev, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of clinical pathology sub-faculty of SBEI APE «Kazan State Medical Academy» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation
Gulnara I. Safiullina, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of neurology, reflexotherapy and osteopathy sub-faculty of SBEI APE «Kazan State Medical Academy» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation
Abstract. A significant improvement in diagnostics of myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) has been obtained over the last decade. However, even presently this status is missed out by medical professionals because of numerous details in its clinical presentation. This provides a rationale for the diversification of diagnostic approaches that will increase curative and preventive effectiveness.
Optimization mechanisms of management and administrati on of medical care to pulmonary profile pati ents at the regional level
Sergey D. Tarasyuk, Post-graduate student of FSBSU «Far Eastern Scientific Center of Physiology and Pathology of Respiration» [675000 Blagoveshchensk, Kalinin str., 22;
Leonid G. Manakov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Scientific Secretary of FSBSU «Far Eastern Scientific Center of Physiology and Pathology of Respiration» [675000 Blagoveshchensk, Kalinin str., 22]
Abstract. The analysis’s results of the administration, resource provision and conditions of medical care provision to pulmonary profile patients and the role of administrational and methodical mechanisms for effectiveness improvement in primary healthcare have been presented. The analysis was based on sociological assessment of primary care physicians working in the healthcare institutions of Amur and Yaroslavl regions. System analysis of the factors influencing the efficiency of the administration and provision of medical care to pulmonary profile patients had allowed the defining and structuring a complex of administrational and methodical mechanisms to optimize the primary care.
Key words: respiratory diseases, primary care physician, pulmonary care, case studies, health resources; administration and management of health care; administrational and methodical mechanisms to optimize primary care.
The efficiency monitoring of vaccinati on against hepatiti s B among health personnel
Irina D. Reshetnikova, PhD (Medicine), Ass. Prof., deputy-director for academic and medical affairs of FBSI «Kazan Epidemiology and Microbiology Scientific Research Institute» of Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare [420011 Kazan, Bolshaya Krasnaya str., 67;
Eldar Kh. Mamkeev, PhD (Medicine), Ass. Prof. of epidemiology and disinfectology sub-faculty of SBEI APE «Kazan State Medical Academy» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation [420012 Kazan, Butlerov str., 36]
Rustem S. Fassakhov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Director of FBSI «Kazan Epidemiology and Microbiology Scientific Research Institute» of Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare [420011 Kazan, Bolshaya Krasnaya str., 67]
Railia V. Garipova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Ass. Prof. of hygiene and occupational medicine sub-faculty of SBEI APE «Kazan State Medical University» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation [420012 Kazan, Butlerov str., 49]
Alla I. Lokotkova, PhD (Medicine), Ass. Prof. of epidemiology and disinfectology sub-faculty of SBEI APE «Kazan State Medical University» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation [420012 Kazan, Butlerov str., 36]
Abstract. The results of the monitoring of post-vaccination immunity stress in health personnel (HP) after full course of vaccination against hepatitis B in 1996—2004 and the level of protective antibodies in the dynamics through 1—3 months, 5 years or more after revaccination have been presented. 47,4% of HP did not respond to vaccination (with antibody response). 42,6% of HP received a booster dose had not antibody response’s levels after 1—3 months, only 14,7% had its 5 or more years later. There were no cases of hepatitis B among HP received a booster dose.
Key words: health personnel, vaccination against hepatitis B, protective levels of anti-HBs.
Harmonization principles and perspectives of pharmaceuti cal legal regulati on: formati on of EAEU single pharmaceuti cal market
Ramil U. Khabriev, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor; Director of FSBI «N.A. Semashko National Science Research Institute for Public Health» [105064 Moscow, Vorontsovo Pole str., 12/1, buld.1;
Vladislav S. Malichenko, Ph.D., Chief of comparative law studies department of Institute of Innovation Educational Programs in Healthcare of RNCI [109388 Moscow, Shosseinaya 43;
Abstract. Many aspects of globalization made a significant impact on the drug market all over the world. Public authorities, regulating pharmaceutical market, regardless of their size, face the lack of financial or other resources for the implementation of all regulatory functions necessary to ensure the quality, safety and efficacy of medicinal products on their markets. Harmonization and convergence of standards and legislation in the pharmaceutical sector allows to avoid the differences in requirements, as well as duplication of procedures for registration of medicines, which greatly reduce access to medicines. Single pharmaceutical market of EAEU formed on the most successful international experience will start functioning in 2016. However, the prospect of the existence of this structure is still to be assessed.
Results of applicati on of Ben tables as tools for the analysis of difference in diagnoses at pati ents died in emergency hospital of kazan
Ildus G. Nizamov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of public health, economics and health care management sub-faculty of SBEI APE «Kazan State Medical Academy» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation [420012 Kazan, Mushtary str., 11]
Tamara I. Sadykova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, chief of public health, economics and health care management sub-faculty of SBEI APE «Kazan State Medical Academy» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation [420012 Kazan, Mushtary str., 11;
Zufar G. Valeev, Candidate for a degree of public health, economics and health care management sub-faculty of SBEI APE «Kazan State Medical Academy» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation
Abstract. The analysis of the difference in diagnoses at 1 344 patients over 18 years old died from the diseases of circulatory system, digestive system, injuries, poisoning and other external causes at the stages of medical care in the emergency hospital (EH № 1, Kazan) in 2009—2012 has been made with the use of Ben tables. Frequency of difference in diagnoses from pre-admission stage to post-mortem one is high and constitutes 60,1±1,8 per 100 deaths. The diseases of the digestive system presented the greatest challenge for timely diagnosis; the level of difference in diagnoses at the stage of admission of patient was 40,2±2,6, after the transfer to clinical unit 46,9±2,7, with pathological diagnosis 19,8±2,2 (for 100 fatal cases). The cases of difference in clinical and pathoanatomical diagnosis constitute 23,6±1,9 (per 100, respectively) at mortality from diseases of the circulatory system. Lower level of difference in diagnoses was identified at injuries in 9 from 10 cases at each stage according to the damage. Overdiagnosis is the cause of difference in the diagnoses at injuries, poisoning and other consequences of external causes in the early stages of the diagnostic process. The diagnoses at combined and multiple injuries, identified only at autopsy weren’t established (10,4±1,4 cases per 100 fatal cases). Ben tables are available tools for analyzing wrongly made and missed diagnoses, they should be used more widely for monitoring the quality of medical care to improve health, social and economic efficiency of activity of governing bodies and health institutions.
Key words: quality of medical care, the difference in diagnoses, Ben tables, the improvement of management.
Medical and statistical aspects of medical care service of parti cipants of 16th FINA World Aquati cs Championships 2015 in Kazan
Adel Y. Vafin, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Health Minister of Tatarstan Republic, chief of management and nursing implementation sub-faculty of SBEI HPE «Kazan State Medical University» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation [420111 Kazan, Ostrovsky st., 11/6;
Alexey O. Smirnov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, senior manager of health, sanitary and anti-doping services department of ANO «Executive directorate for sports projects» [420010 Kazan, Universiade Village, 35;
Marat R. Gataullin, Head physician of SAHI «Prof. A.F. Agafonov Republican Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital» [420140 Kazan, Pobedy av., 83;
Vladimir G. Sherputovsky, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Ass. Professor of public health, economics and health care management sub-faculty of SBEI APE «Kazan State Medical Academy» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation [420012 Kazan, Mushtari st., 11;
Abstract. The experience of medical care of participants of 16th FINA World Aquatics Championships 2015 in Kazan is presented. Approaches to the organization of medical care are presented. 3 644 health encounters of representatives of Championships’ client groups were registered. 15,9% from all are athletes health encounters. Morbidity of athletes according appeals for medical care was 239,5‰. The injuries were the highest reason for appealability — 84,5‰, respiratory diseases — 40,2‰, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue — 38,1‰. The number of hospitalized representatives of accredited groups of the Championships constituted 33 people. Findings of this study may be used for preparing for medical support of sport competitions and in other sports.
Key words: health care of the competition, 16th FINA World Aquatics Championships 2015 in Kazan.
The medical care system of the Chuvash Republic in 2014
Tatyana G. Bogdanova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, First Deputy Minister of Health Care and Social Development of the Chuvash Republic, Associate Professor of management and economics of health care sub-faculty of medical faculty of FSBEI HPE «I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University» [428020 Сheboksary, Pirogov str., 5;
Abstract. The state program «Development of Health Care System» is implemented in health care of the Chuvash Republic. Good health is a major resource for social and economic development of the society and an individual, and it is the most important criterion for the life quality. The analytical assessment of the population health and morbidity structure has been made. The article describes the main activities of health authorities and medical institutions of the Chuvash Republic aimed at providing the population with medical care. The optimization of the system of medical institutions and services is made for improving the quality and accessibility of medical services in the Republic. A three — level health care system develops effectively, the network of inter-territorial centers in rural areas grows, primary health care, emergency and palliative care have been improved.
Key words: primary health care, emergency medical care, specialized, including high-tech, medical care, medical rehabilitation and sanatorium-resort therapy, palliative medical care, rural medicine.
The adult patients with primary immunodeficient diseases register of Sverdlovsk region
Marina L. Karakina, PhD, allergologist and immunologist of SBHI «Sverdlovsk Regional Clinical Hospital № 1»of Sverdlovsk Region [620102 Ekaterinburg, Volgogradskaya str., 185;
Abstract. Registers of patients with different diseases are the most important monitoring instruments of various aspects of case management. The article presents the case management experience of adult patients with primary immunodeficient diseases in the Sverdlovsk region. The medical and organizational results of this work have been analyzed.
Key words: register, adult patients with primary immunodeficient diseases, Sverdlovsk region, regulatory documents, medical aspects.
The results of the hospitals’ activity of Interior Ministry of Russia in tractate of VIII All-Russian scientific-practical conference «Pressing questi ons of diagnosis, treatment and preventi on in general practice»
Rustem Sh. Khisamiev, Head of FSHI «Medical Station of the Russian Interior Ministry in the Republic of Tatarstan», major of internal service [420011 Kazan, Lobachevsky str., 13;
Nail B. Amirov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of general medical practice sub-faculty of SBEI HPE «Kazan State Medical University» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation [420012 Kazan, Butlerov street, 49;
Alexander A. Vizel, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, chief of phthisiopulmonology sub-faculty of SBEI HPE «Kazan State Medical University» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation, chief freelance specialist pulmonologist of Health Ministry of Tatarstan Republic [
Lyasan R. Guinyatullina, Deputy chief of FSHI «Medical Station of the Russian Interior Ministry in the Republic of Tatarstan», the lieutenant colonel of internal service [
Lenar F. Sabirov, PhD, head of the Clinical Hospital of «Medical Station of the Russian Interior Ministry in the Republic of Tatarstan», the captain of the internal service, Assistant of public health, economics and health care management sub-faculty of SBEI APE «Kazan State Medical Academy» of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation [420012 Kazan, Mushtari str., 11;
Renata N. Amirova, the nontreating-physician of OJSC «SOGAZ» [420107 Kazan, Peterburgskaya str., 90;
Albert V. Spiridonov, PhD, Deputy head of Clinical Hospital of FSHI «Medical Station of the Russian Interior Ministry in the Republic of Tatarstan» [
Abstract. Goal of the study is the analysis of scientific and practical activities of employees of hospitals of Internal Affairs Ministry of the Russian Federation following the scientific-practical conference. The article presents the review of scientific and practical communications of health personnel of hospitals of Russian Interior Ministry reported at the 8th annual All-Russian scientific-practical conference with the participation of physicians from Tatarstan Republic «Pressing questions of diagnostics, treatment and prevention in general practice». 300 physicians from 20 regions of the Russian Federation took part in the Annual National Conference of hospitals’ physicians of Russian Interior Ministry. Speakers included leading medical scientists from the central universities, professors, heads of hospitals of Ministry of Internal Affairs. The annual scientific conference is an important step in the educational process of postgraduate training of health professionals. The most important point is the ability to report its results on a large medical forum, as well as to publish the works in the periodic medical journal «Bulletin of modern clinical medicine». Next, the 9th Conference will take place in October 2016.
Key words: departmental health care, exchange of experience, professional training.