Vatazin A.V., Astakhov P.V., Zulkarnaev A.B., Fedulkina V.A. Chronic renal insufficiency: social and epidemiological aspects.................................4
Sabaev A.V., Goleva O.P. The mortality rate of the population of Omsk region in the result of acute poisonings of chemical etiology in 2003—2012...................10
Perepelkina N.Ju., Turin A.V., Leontiev A.Ju., Kalinina E.A. Regularity of indexes’ changes of case rate and disability of the population of Orenburg region (results of 15-years of monitoring)..................13
Gloushakov A.I. The end of «russian cross»: demographic reasons and totals......18
Vydrov A.S., Komarovskikh E.N., Kafanova N.Ju. The analysis of primary disability owing to ophthalmopathology of adult population of Amur region......20
Chicherin L.P., Nikitin M.V. About increasing of effectiveness of guarantees of the state and their organizational support in the field of health protection and the rights of children in Russia........25
Nizova L.M., Pirogova M.V. Rehabilitation of children with disabilities as a factor of improving of their health and their socialization (after the materials of the Republic of Mari El)..................30
Chechulina O.V., Davlyatshina L.R. Medico-psychosocial approach to the solution of problems of protection of reproductive health of teenagers in the Republic of Tatarstan............................................................................................35
Balabolkin I.I., Terletskaya R.N. Allergic case rate of children in the modern ecological conditions.........................................40
Mikusev G.I., Magomedov R.O., Mikusev I.E., Baykeyev R.F. Dupuytren's disease: epidemiology, clinics, features and surgical treatment............46
Zhiltsova E.E., Breusov A.V. Organizational approaches to carrying out personnel audit of doctors-dermatovenerologists....51
Kononova I.V., Perepelkina N.Ju. Analysis of accordance of Russian legislation with recommendations of Madrid international action plan on problems of aging..56
Farrakhov A.Z., Yarkaeva F.F., Sherputovskiy V.G., Babko A.A. Computer technology of keeping of persons register having the rights to free provision with medicines and articles of medical purpose.................................58
Gabdrakhmanov N.K., Sherputovskiy V.G., Shamatova A.F. Geodemographic infrastructure of Pestrechinskiy municipal district (feldsher-midwife stations).....60
Turaev R.G., Belskaya E.E., Chuvikov V.E. Monitoring of determination of immune antibodies with donors of 0(I) group during the prophylaxis of systemic inflammatory reaction and posttransfusion syndrome.................................65
Blokhina M.V., Urazova O.N. Improving the efficiency of the health care management system through the intro-duction and development of organizational and management technologies..........68
Korop O.A. Changes in organization, quality and efficiency of ambulatory surgical help to population in some regions of Ukraine in modern conditions of reformation of healthcare on principles of general practice — family medicine and suggestions to their improvement...............................................71
Chronicrenal insufficiency: social and epidemiological aspects
A.V. Vatazin, P.V. Astakhov, A.B. Zulkarnaev, V.A. Fedulkina
Abstract. Today there are lots of patients with chronic renal insufficiency. At the same time during the whole period of studying of this problem there is a tendency to increase growth rate of number of cases. Therefore this problem is extremely important. In Russia this problem is especially critical because the provision of different types of renal replacement therapy is very low compared to developed and developing countries. Kidney transplantation is currently the optimal method of treatment of chronic renal insufficiency. The main hope for improving the situation is associated exactly with the further development of this type of highly specialized health care.
Key words: chronic renal insufficiency, hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, kidney transplantation, epidemiology, renal replacement therapy.
The mortality rate of the population of Omsk region in the result of acute poisonings of chemical etiology IN2003—2012
A.V. Sabaev, O.P. Goleva
Abstract. The aim of this research was to study the dynamics of the indicators of mortality rate of the population of Omsk region in the result of acute poisonings of chemical nature for the period from 2003 to 2012. Dynamics of indicators of population mortality in acute exogenous poisoning are the most important medico-demographic characteristics of premature social losses. The study of mortality rates, the structure of mortality’s causes will help to determine the regularities of changes of health demographic indicators of the region, to formulate the main reasons for the development of a dysfunctional situation, to develop the concept of directions on the organization of chemical safety of the population of Omsk region.
Key words: acute poisonings of chemical etiology, the mortality rate of the population.
Regularity of indexes’ changes of case rate and disability of the population of Orenburg region (results of 15-years of monitoring)
N.Ju. Perepelkina, A.V. Turin, A.Ju. Leontiev, E.A. Kalinina
Abstract. The article gives results of 15-years of monitoring of case rate & disability of the population of Orenburg region. We observe the tendency to increase general morbidity rate, predominantly among children. The rate of children’s primary deseases also grew up but among the adults the rate of primary deseases had some decrease. The disability indicators increased during the last 15 years, especially in 2005, and later began to decrease.
Key words: case rate, disability, the population of Orenburg region.
The end of «russian cross»: demographicreasons, totals
A.I. Gloushakov
Abstract. «Rechristen» indexes concerning birth-rate and mortality-rate, demand the estimation and comprehension. The decrease of birth-rate in 1990-ths is connected with decrease of the number of women of genital age (20—29 years old) as the consequence of the second wave of demographic echo of Second World War. The increase of birth-rate in the beginning of new century is completely corrected earlier negative tendencies. The increase of mortality-rate of Russians from 1990-ths to 2000-ths is due to the increase of the number of the representatives of advanced age. The Slantings of the age structure of the past period desappear, indexes of birth-rate and mortality-rate are gradually aligned.
Key words: phenomenon «russian cross», the general indexes of birth-rate and mortality-rate, age structure of the population.
The analysis of primary disability owing to ophthalmopathology of adult population of Amur region
A.S. Vydrov, E.N. Komarovskikh, N.Ju. Kafanova
Abstract. Problem of disability owing to ophthalmopathology in the Russian Federation makes actual learning of indexes and reasons, their detailing and increasing accessibility of the results of research. Level of primary disability of the adult population of Amur region decreased from 6 to 1,4‰ in 2005—2011. Among disabled persons we observe the domination of urban population and alarming increase of disabled persons of 1st group in 2 times. It is necessary to make research in this field, to give accessibility of information on rates and causes of disability due to diseases of the eyes and adnexa.
Key words: ophthalmopathology, disability, Amur Region.
About increasing of effectiveness of guarantees of the state and their organizational support in the field of health protection and the rights of children in Russia
L.P. Chicherin, M.V. Nikitin
Abstract. In the article the formation and the development of state policy in the field of health protection of children, standard and legal acts in the field of their protection according to the international recommendations is considered in Post-Soviet Russia with application of the complex analysis. Managements accepted at various levels by laws, strategic and tactical mechanisms of their performance, efficiency of realization are traced. The situations, allowing to reveal reserves in increase of effectiveness of profile official documents are analysed. A number of issues regarding the future of the Russian medical science has been examined.
Key words: children, health protection, legislation, protection of the rights, strategy, concept, program and target approach, social and legal work.
Rehabilitation of children with disabilities as a factor of improving of their health and their socialization (after the materials of the republic of Mari El)
L.M. Nizova, M.V. Pirogova
Abstract. The article reveals the social and medical aspects of the child’s disability. Conditions of the child’s disability, problems and difficulties, connected with it have been studied. In the research the materials of sociological poll of two categories of respondents are used: the parents of children with disabilities and specialists of social service for the rehabilitation. As the result of the research we can define the forms and methods of rehabilitation of children-invalids and their socialization in the society on the example of the Republic of Mari El.
Key words: health, medical rehabilitation, socialization, society, children with disabilities, social service, social adaptation.
Medico-psychosocial approach to the solution of problems of protection of reproductive health of teenagers in the republicof Tatarstan.
O.V. Chechulina, L.R. Davlyatshina
Abstract. The reproductive potential of modern girls and young men — future mothers and fathers causes big alarm. The important factors defining both a fecundity and reproductive health are very important, because they influence on future course of life of the person. The importance of a comprehensive approach to the solution of problems of protection of reproductive health of teenagers, their sexual education is abundantly clear.
Key words: somatic, mental and reproductive health of teenagers.
Allergic case rate of children in the modern ecological conditions
I.I. Balabolkin, R.N. Terletskaya
Abstract. The results of analysis of ecological situation and dynamics of statistics’ case rate at the allergic pathology of children in various regions of Russia in 2001—2010 are presented. The correlation of abundance of bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis with ecological situation (level of impurity of air and water) of subjects of Russian Federation is established. During the rehabilitation of children with allergic diseases it is recommended to conduct improving of sanitary-and-hygienic indexes of environment, the durable monitoring of health and improvements taking into account complex influence of technogenic pollution on the organism of the child.
Key words: ecological situation, environment’s factors, allergic diseases, children.
Dupuytren's disease: epidemiology, clinics, features and surgical treatment
G.I. Mikusev, R.O. Magomedov, I.е. Mikusev, R.F. Baykeev
Abstract. The reseach presents the epidemiological, clinical features and surgical treatment with the disease (contracture) Dupuytren. Disease (contracture) Dupuytren is fascial fibromatosis of unknown etiology (ICD-10 M 720) and represents 20% of all diseases of the hand among people over 65 years old. During the examination of patients the registration map is used. It includes the passport information, clinical case history and laboratory, information about operative measures and its results. Research has the data from January 1957 till January 2006. In 41,9% of cases there are postoperative complications. The further carrying on researches is required in order to increase the efficiency of treatment of contracture Dupuytren.
Key words: disease (contracture) Dupuytren, epidemiology, clinical characteristics, surgical approach.
Organizational approaches to carrying out personnel audit of doctors-dermatovenerologists
E.E. Zhiltsova, A.V. Breusov
Abstract. Implementation of the Program of modernization of health care in Russia provides, as one of the priority directions, improvement of completeness of treatment-and-prophylactic institutions by medical staff, improvement of skill level and professional knowledge of the doctors. Personnel audit makes it possible. The main results received in work during questioning of 196 doctors-dermatovenerologists, working in institutions of various types are given in three areas of the Central federal district, using special questionnaire consisting of 62 questions. Studied criterions were grouped in five main qualification units, considering age, length of service, educational level, aspiration to self-education, regularity of contacts with doctors of related specialties. During discussion of the received results it is established that reconsideration and revision of existing system of post degree education, the certification of medical staff are necessary. It is necessary today to develop and to introduce in practice the differentiated system of work payment of the specialists based on results of continuous personnel audit, to develop professional contacts between doctors of related specialties with wide use of the automated social networks, to introduce distance forms and training’s methods with use of telemedical and Internet technologies. Realization of the main results of research in practice of management by health care at various levels can promote the solution of one of the main tasks — improvement of system of continuous medical education, its approach directly to experts and increase of its level and quality.
Key words: the automated educational technologies, personnel audit, continuous medical education.
Analysis of accordance of Russian legislation with recommendations of Madrid international action plan on problems of aging
I.V. Kononova, N.Ju. Perepelkina
Abstract. Reflection of provisions of Madrid international action plan on problems of aging of 2002 regarding the organization of medical care in the modern Russian legislation is analyzed. Lack of a common rule-making approach to implementation of the Madrid plan in the Russian Federation is revealed. In the conditions of modern demographic situation in Russia it is necessary to form the state strategy of the problems’ resolution of aging as the standard legal document containing common approaches of studying of needs of elderly people and the organization of the high-quality medical-public assistance.
Key words: aging problems, elderly people, requirements of elderly people, Russian legislation.
Computer technology of keeping of persons, register having the rights to free provision with medicines and articles of medical purpose
A.Z. Farrakhov, F.F. Yarkaeva, V.G. Sherputovskiy, A.A. Babko
Abstract. Multi-level computer technology of receiving-transmission and processing the information of free medicine provision had been introduced in medical institutions and governments’ organs of Tatarstan Republic Healthcare. Computer technology of keeping and application of persons, register having the rights to free medicines’ provision in region’s level is working. The introduction of informations’ technologies will allow to improve the exactness of purchase’s and delivery’s planning of free medicines and to improve the work of the system of free medicines’ provision.
Key words: free medicines’ provision, computer technology.
Geodemographic infrastructure of Pestrechinskiy municipal district (feldsher-midwife stations)
N.K. Gabdrakhmanov, V.G. Sherputovskiy, A.F. Shamatova
Abstract. Implementation of national and regional programs in the field of health care provides the necessity of improvement of organizational forms and ensuring availability of primary medical care. Research’s objective is the analysis of activity of feldsher-midwife stations of Pestrechinskiy municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan and justification of organizational actions for their optimization.
Key words: feldsher-midwife stations, geodemographic infrastructure.
Monitoring of determination of immune antibodies with donors of 0(I) group during the prophylaxis of systemicinflammatory reaction and posttransfusion syndrome
R.G. Turaev, E.E. Belskaya, V.E. Chuvikov
Abstract. Donors of 0(I) group are universal donors which blood components contain erythrocytes. According to the order of Health Ministry of Russian Federation from 25.11.2002 № 363 «About approval of the instructions for use of the blood components if necessary «... for health reasons and in the absence of single-group by AB0 blood components (except children) may be done transfusion of Rh-negative blood gas carriers 0(I) of the recipient’s blood to any other blood group up to 500 ml». The purpose of this research is to pay attention to the blood service professionals and practitioners to security of transfusion of blood components containing erythrocytes used in transfusion as a universal medium. Revelation of immune antibodies (IgG) anti-A and anti-B was made with use of 5% solution of unitiol. The reseach has been done in SAHI «Republican Station of Blood Transfusion of Health Ministry of Tatarstan Republic».
Key words: universal donor of blood, group of immune antibodies, 5% solution of unitiol, antigens.
Improving the efficiency of the health care management system through the introduction and development of organizational and management technologies
M.V. Blokhina, O.N. Urazova
Abstract. The development of market relations requires adequate governance model in health care, which can quickly and effectively respond to external changes to the system. The purpose of the work is to develop formulation and implementation of organizational and management technologies that increase the efficiency of health care management. The questions covering the main stages of the development of organizational and management technologies can be used in the training process of grounding of health managers and executives in professional institutions of various types.
Key words: management, healthcare, organizational and management technologies.
Changes in organization, quality and efficiency of ambulatory surgical help to population in some regions of Ukraine in modern conditions of reformation of healthcare on principles of general practice — family medicine and suggestions to their improvement
О.А. Korop
Abstract. With the use of method of structurally functional analysis, the changes in organization, quality and efficiency of ambulatory policlinic surgical help to the population of some regions of Ukraine in the modern conditions of reformation of health care on principles of general practice — family medicine have been studied. The suggestions of main regional, city and district surgeons in relation to its subsequent improvement are named.
Key words: ambulatory policlinic surgical help, family medicine, organization, quality, efficiency, structurally functional analysis.