Saifutdinov R.G. Diseases of system of digestion as the major problem of public health services of XXI century (the lecture read at session of the Euroasian Academy of Medical Sciences 26.04.2012)......................................................4
Simovа L.I., Bogdanova T.G., Shuvalova N.V., Denisova T.G. The problems of medical and demographic situation in Chuvashia..........................8
Gloushakov A.I. Demographic totals of the first decade of the XXI century in the Republic of Tatarstan...................................12
Perepyolkina N.Yu., Tyurin A.V., Kalinina Ye.A. The characteristic of demographic processes in Orenburg region...............15
Baranov A.A., Albitskiy V.yu., Farrakhov A.Z., Modestov A.A., Ivanova A.A., Kosova S.A. Health state features of children population in Russian Federation, tendencies of its changes....................18
Chicherin L.P., Sogiyainen A.A. Quality of life and health and social problems of guaranteeing conscription to the Armed Forces of RF................24
Nizamov I.G., Sadykova T.I. Health of economically active population as a basis of social-and-economical development of Russia and its regions.....................28
Varakina Zh.L., Vyazmin A.M., Sannikov A.L., Golubeva M.V., Tishkina S.V. Occupational safety and life quality of railway workers in the North................34
Agayev F.B., Gasanov G.Sh., Bagirova R.Kh. The effectiveness of rehabilitation measures among railway employees........39
Abbasov M.G. On the efficiency of highly technological surgical aid...............42
Polzik E.V., Pirogovskiy M.L., Koletova M.V. Outsourcing in health care system of Sverdlovsk oblast...................................44
Narmukhamedova N.A., Ablakulova M.Kh. Results of the introduction of the system of general practice in city family outpatient clinics: the comparative analysis............................................................................................................................49
Ryabchikov I.V., Pankov I.O. Estimation of quality of outpatient medical rehabilitation of patients with fractures of the distal articular end of the femur.....................................................................................................................................54
Blokhina M.V., Urazova O.N. Methods of health care quality assurance based on the process approach................................57
Sabirov L.F. Organization of medical support in combat conditions in North Caucasus Region.................................................61
Results of the regular session of EA AMS.............................................63
The problems of medical anddemographic situation in Chuvashia
Abstract. Results of the assessment of medical and demographic processes in Chuvashia within 10 years are presented in the article based on studying the official statistics data, informative documents and also the results of the researches referring to the topic according to the local publications’ data. The main tendencies of the medical and demographic situation and development priorities were defined.
Demographic totals of the first decade of the XXIcentury in the Republic of Tatarstan
A.I. Gloushakov
Abstract. The beginning of the new century is bound for Russian Federation with realization of the measures of demographic policy. In this connection we consider necessary to value the changes of the main demographic feature for the Republic of Tatarstan (the large Russian region). For the last ten years there is noted an increase of birth rate and life expectancy, however level of death-rate remains practically unchangeable and stable number of the population in conditions of the natural decrease is preserved only due to migration increase.
Key words: general birth rate, general death-rate, life expectancy at birth, number of the population.
The characteristic of demographic processes in Orenburg region
N.Yu. Perepyolkina, A.V. Tyurin, Ye.A. Kalinina
Abstract. The article presents the results of the analysis of the demographic processes in Orenburg region. The comparative analysis of National census (2002, 2010) shows the depopulation in the region, and the population decreased for 146,6 thousand people (7.2%) during last 8 years. The highest rate of depopulation is more typical for villages. The aging of population is typical for Orenburg region. Thus 12,7% of citizens are 65 or older. We observe the decrease in the proportion of children population (15% in 2010). The Region differs in improvement of the main indices of reproduction in 2006, but we also see a negative natural decrease (-0,4%), low level of birth rate (13,6%), high level of mortality (14,0%); and also low average life expectancy (67,9 years).
Key words: birth rate, death rate, population, indices.
Health state features of children population in Russian Federation, tendencies of its changes
Abstract. The results of the analysis of children’s population health state in Rusian Federation for the period of 2002—2010 are presented. Thus, increase of morbidity, stagnation of disability indices and mortality decrease are defined. Children and adolescents morbidity is characterized by increase of socially significant pathology and diseases associated with behavioral risk factors. In the structure of causes of children’s disability mental and behavioral disorders, nervous system diseases and congenital malformations are leading pathologies, among causes of children’s mortality traumas and poisonings take the first rank places. Children's and adolescents' health state is mainly associated with the influence of social conditions and behavioral risk factors, that is lifestyle of the child and his family.
Key words: health state, morbidity, mortality, children’s population.
Quality of life andhealth andsocial problems of guaranteeing conscription to the Armed Forces of RF
L.P. Chicherin, A.A. Sogiyainen
Abstract. Aspects of the organization of physical examination of recruits in the Russian Federation are considered in the article, the author also analyzes changes in the quantity of citizens, who are not eligible to serve in the army because of their health conditions. As a result of complex social and hygienic and medical-and-organizational studies of young men of military age and medical experts of one of medical districts of the Moscow region obstacles to fulfilling the tasks with participation of set in the “Concept of the federal system of preparation of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service in the period up to the year 2020” are identified. The authors proposed a set of measures that contribute to fulfilling the objectives set.
Key words: physical examination, recruiting, military service, state of health, military-medical examination
Health of economically active population as a basis of social-and-economical development of Russia andits regions
I.G. Nizamov, T.I. Sadykova
Abstract. Health of economically active population along with its number increase is the main factor of the society development. In the Republic of Tatarstan, a large Russian region during the last decades as a whole unfavourable tendencies were observed: a phenomenon of “supermortality” of the population — death rate of males of 16—54 years of age reached the maximum in 1995 and 2005 — correspondingly 6,8% and 6,7%, and males’ death rate was 4,5 times higher than females’ death rate. From 1986 till 2005 infants’ mortality lowered by 48% on the background of ablebodied population mortality increase by 70%. Annual economical losses because of early mortality of economically active population calculating on gross regional product of the Republic of Tatarstan make about 7 billion roubles, because of morbidity with temporary disability — about 28,2 billion roubles. Health protection of economically active population must become one of the priority trends of national policy.
Key words: health, economically active population, tendencies, health protection.
Occupational safety andlife quality of railway workers in the North
Abstract. The aim was to study factors influencing occupational safety and life quality (LQ) of workers at the Northern railway. The sample multitude was 300 persons: locomotive drivers and their assistants, conductors and other professional groups. Since 2004 decrease in occupational morbidity by 21,0%, in the level of occupational accidents 1,4 times, primary disablement due to occupational accidents 3 times is observed. The estimation of degree of occupational accident occurrence has shown substantial and intolerable risks in 20,0%. Lower components of LQ among locomotive drivers and their assistants, decrease of LQ with increase in occupational accidents risk were defined at integrated LQ estimation. The field of application of the results of the shidy is departmental health care.
Key words: railway transport, life quality, risk of working environment, occupational injuries, occupational health.
The effectiveness of rehabilitation measures among railway employees
F.B. Agayev, G.Sh. Gasanov, R.Kh. Bagirova
Abstract. The effectiveness of rehabilitation measures among the railway workers is valued. Comprehensive prophylactic inspection had been organized for railroaders and individual rehabilitation program had been made up according to their health status. The effectiveness of rehabilitation measures is shown, which allowed to significantly reduce morbidity with temporary disability during 3 years.
On the efficiency of highly technological surgical aid
M.G. Abbasov
Abstract. The results of the highly technological surgical aid effectiveness were analyzed and summarized in the work. It was shown that volume of the operative intervention decreased in dynamics in conditions of paying for cardiosurgical operations. An incidence of the postoperative complications is 5±0,62 for 100 operations and has a tendency of lowering. The level of postoperative lethality (3,3±0,46 per cent) depends on the operation kind, patient’s age and somatic state before operation.
Outsourcing in health care system of Sverdlovsk oblast
E.V. Polzik, M.L. Pirogovskiy, M.V. Koletova
Abstract. The article reflects the study results of outsourcing use in health care institutions of Sverdlovsk oblast. Directions and aims of outsourcing use are shown, its effectiveness depending on its kind is analyzed.
Key words: outsourcing, health care system.
Results of the introduction of the system of general practice in city family outpatient clinics: the comparative analysis
N.A. Narmukhamedova, M.KH. Ablakulova
Abstract. The results of assessment of the effectiveness of introduction of the system general medical practice into the experimental city family outpatient clinics (EFC) of Samarkand compared to the control group – the city family outpatient clinics working on the old district principle (CFC) are presented. Thus, a number of EFC patients satisfied with the medical personnel service is 2 times higher compared to the control group. Visits to the clinic increased due to medical care being rendered by one doctor – a general practitioner. Improvement of EFC work quality was achieved at the expense of decrease of reception waiting time owing to reception of patients by preliminary making an appointment with a doctor and calling a doctor on phone, maintaining confidentially during the reception of patients. Ungrounded referrals of patients to examination, for advice of medical experts and hospital care decreased, in outpatients’ cards there appeared data on patients observation in dynamics after discharge from the hospital. Duty nursing service improved. Improvement of medical care quality increased satisfaction of the population with clinics’ work. Thus, the introduction of the institute of general medical practice in the experimental city clinics showed improvement in the efficiency of medical services.
Key words: general practitioners, city family outpatient clinics, city health service, district therapists and pediatricians, health care rendering.
Estimation of quality of outpatient medical rehabilitation of patients with fractures of the distal articular endof the femur
I.V. Ryabchikov, I.O. Pankov
Abstract. The aim of the study is to optimise a complex of actions of outpatient rehabilitative treatment and to estimate the quality of outpatient rehabilitative treatment of 30 patients with fractures of the distal articular end of a femur who underwent treatment in «Hospital for veterans of wars» of Kazan in 2010—2011. The estimation of quality of treatment was made with the use of the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form Health Survey questionnaire. According to the collected data (p<0,05) the general health (GH 73), role-physical functioning (RP 77,5), role-emotional functioning (RE 68,1), vitality (VT 68,8) and mental health (MH 71,6) of patients after rehabilitative treatment are better than initial indicators (general health 65,3, role-physical functioning 65, role-emotional functioning 64,6, vitality 64,7, mental health 71,2).
Key words: intraarticular fracture of the knee joint, rehabilitative treatment, health related quality of life.
Methods of health care quality assurance basedon the process approach
M.V. Blokhina, O.N. Urazova
Abstract. The purpose of the work is the development of the method of medical care quality management based on a process approach. The questions covering the main stages of forming the quality management system, applicable in various industries are considered. Materials of this article can be used in the educational process of training health managers, and in professional activity of the organizations executives in various fields.
Organization of medical support in combat conditions in north caucasus region
L.F. Sabirov
Abstract. Aspects of medical support of personnel of internal military forces of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation in the Republic of Tatarstan are elucidated. The author who has visited officially the Republic of Dagestan shares his impressions of the Republic, its population, history, tells about existing in the Republic confessional problems.