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1 1 28 14.0


Sabayev A.V., Goleva O.P. Omsk region external reasons of population mortality dynamics for 2001—2010............................4

Ziyatdinov K.Sh., Shamsiyarov N.N. The population mortality dynamics of a big city in the period of socio-economic

transformations .......................................................................... 6

Sofronova N.N., Khayertynova I.M. Modern aspects of the epidemiology of a combined course of HIV infection and chronic viral hepatitis in the Perm region.........................................................................................................................13

1 1 41 14.0


Potapova M.V., Sokolova O.R. The dynamics of the health state of the police employees of the Ministry

of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Republic of Tatarstan, who underwent military-medical examination

for the period of 2007—2011 years.....................................18

Garipova R.V., Berkheyeva Z.M., Reshetnikova I.D., Mamkeyev E.Kh. Viral hepatitis as one of the types of professional infectious pathology in healthcare...............27

1 1 33 14.0


Gerasimova L.I., Viktorova L.V., Denisova T.G., Shuvalova N.V. Medical and Social Risk Factors

of Blood System Diseases .........................................31

Toshmatov J.A., Kholmatova R.S., Ishankulov Sh.A. Ophthalmologic medical care in the republic of Tajikistan..................35

Yagudin R.I., Baikeyev R.F., Narchayev K.R., Yagudina G.T. The register of patients with the acute disturbance

of the brain blood circulation (ADBBC) on Bugulminsky area of the Republic of Tatarstan....................................................38

Cheremisina A.Yu., Saifutdinov R.G., Ismagilov M.F. Prevalence features of types of vegetative reaction

in patients with hypertension of different stages.............................42

Garipova A.F., Sayfutdinov R.G., Vagapova G.R. The prevalence of long QT interval in patients with coronary

heart disease and type II diabetes.......................46

Timofeyeva L.A. Monitoring the risk factors in the development of malignant neoplasms of the thyroid gland


in the Chuvash Republic ............................................................ 50

1 1 24 14.0


Vakhitov Sh.M., Gilazetdinova L.I., Blokhina M.V., Urazova O.N. A professional manager: competence as a manager, personal maturity, qualitative thinking..... 54

1 1 52 14.0


Perepyolkina N.Yu., Abdrakhmanov A.R., Kalinina Ye.A. The research of medico-social features & the life quality of patients with pathology of musculoskeletal system................. 59

Ryabchikov I.V., Pankov I.O. Estimation of quality of out-patient rehabilitative treatment of patients with fractures of the proximal articular end of the tibia........ 62

Khadzhiyeva M.R., Shurygina I.P. Ways to improve the quality of medical care in cases of acquired progressive myopia in school children................................ 65

Badretdinova A.R., Saifutdinov R.G., Shaimardanov R.S. Long-term results and quality of life of patients after elective cholecystectomy (a review of the literature)............................................................................................................... 68

Mitusheva E.I., Saifutdinov R.G., Shaimardanov R.Sh. Quality of life of patients after emergency cholecystectomy (a review of the literature)................. 71

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Ryzhkin S.A., Ismagilov R.K., Patyashina M.A. Dynamics of collective effective radiation doses in population of the Republic of Tatarstan from different sources of ionizing radiation for the period of 1998-2010 years.......................... 76

1 1 29 14.0


Kamayev I.A., Abdul Salam M.A. Al-Darasi, Elina Yu.A. Way of life and living conditions of medical staff


in the Republic of Yemen......................................83

Omsk region external reasons of population mortality dynamics for 2001—2010

A.V. Sabayev, O.P. Goleva

Abstract. The purpose of the research is studying the dynamics of urban and country people mortality in the Omsk region due

to the external factors from 2001 till 2010. For the studied period in the Omsk region statistically significant decrease in population

mortality as a result of external factors is marked. Among the country people of the Omsk region external influences mortality

indicators are higher, than among citizens. Despite decrease in mortality rates for this reason, both among country people, and

among urban, the rate of decrease among the last goes quicker.


Key words: population mortality, external factors.

The population mortality dynamics of a big city in the period

of socio-economic transformations

K.Sh. Ziyatdinov , N.N. Shamsiyarov

Abstract. The paper presents the population mortality dynamics in the city of Kazan in the last 15 years (from 1995 to 2009)

compared to the similar measures in Tatarstan Republic and in Russia. The population mortality due to different categories of

reasons is shown, as well as the mortality structure, the mortality of able-bodied population, and infant and maternal mortalities. The fact is observed that the city’s mortality dynamics repeats the mortality dynamics of Tatarstan Republic and Russia, with

some peculiarities. The general mortality rate of the city population including that of the able-bodied citizens as well as infant and

maternal mortality rates are shown to have a clear tendency to decrease.

Key words: mortality, population, infant mortality, maternal mortality.

Modern aspects of the epidemiology of a combined course of HI V infection

and chronic viral hepatitis in the Perm region

N.N. Sofronova , I.M. Khayertynova

Abstract. The analysis was done of the incidence of combined course of HIV infection and chronic viral hepatitis in the Perm

region. It was established that during the period from 1996 to 2011 there is a high incidence of HIV infection, characterized by

two-wave current. The main route of HIV transmission is intravenous drug use. Markers of hepatitis C and B viruses among

patients with HIV infection are detected in 80,5% of cases, among which antibodies to hepatitis C virus (75,1%) accounts for the

largest proportion. The structure of the incidence of HIV mono-infection gives way to co-infection with HIV/CVH, with a leading

place taken by HIV/HCV (2 950 vs. 12 089 cases). Currently, there is a change and the prevalence of genotype 1 of hepatitis C

virus (46,5%) in patients with HIV infection.


Key words: HIV-infection, chronic viral hepatitis, HCV- and HBV-infection, morbidity.

The dynamics of the health state of the police employees of the M inistry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Republic of Tatarstan, who underwent military-medical examination for the period of 2007—2011 years

M.V. Potapova , O.R. Soko lova

Abstract. The military-medical commission of Medical Unit of MIA in RT is a medical expert-diagnostic division intended for

carrying out the military-medical examination in MIA in peace and wartime. The analysis of the military-medical commission work for

the period of 2007—2011 which revealed that one of the reasons of early retirement of the employees because of bad health state

as a rule was a fulminant course of a newly detected disease, traumatism and the effect of durable psychotraumatic situation.

Key words: military-medical examination, employees of organs of internal affairs, state of health, limitation of fitness to



Viral hepatitis as one of the types of professional infectious pathology in healthcare

R.V. Garipova , Z.M.Berkheyeva , I.D.Reshetnikova , E.Kh.Ma mkeyev

Abstract. Viral hepatitis take the leading place in the structure of occupational morbidity of medical workers. The aim of

this work was to reveal the main causes of low detectability of occupational viral hepatitis in medical workers of the Republic of

Tatarstan. Presented was a clinical case of late detection of occupational viral hepatitis, indicating the absence of occupational

disease alertness in physicians. Diagnosis of each case of viral hepatitis in health care worker should serve as a signal of possible

contamination of an occupational nature in order to refer the patient to the Center of occupational pathology for examination of

working ability and development of rehabilitation measures.


Key words: health workers, viral hepatitis, occupational diseases, diagnosis.

Medical and Social Risk Factors of Bloo d System Diseases

L.I. Gerasimova , L.V. Viktorova , T.G.Denisova , N.V. Shuva lova

Abstract. Within a high morbidity rate of the blood system diseases in the world the mortality and disability rates due to the

above-mentioned causes are higher in Russia than in the developed countries. Based on the retrospective analysis of 1000 cases


a study on medico-social risk factors of blood circulation system diseases was carried out,their most significant risk factors for

the region were revealed.

Key words: morbidity, medical and social risk factors, ecology, smoking, alcohol abuse.

Ophthalmologic medical care in the republic of Tajikistan

J. A. Toshmatov , R.S. Kholmatova , Sh.А. Is hankulov

Abstract. The article reflects data concerning the ophthalmologic health care resources in the Republic of Tajikistan. It is shown

that the situation is characterized by lack of ophthalmologists and specialized beds as well as unevenness of their distribution

around the territory. Low intensity of specialized beds’ use is noted in some regions. Analysis of effectiveness and quality of work

of the three centers providing highly-technological ophthalmologic health care services was done.


Key words: ophthalmologic health care services, resources, effectiveness, Tajikistan.

The register of patients with the acute disturbance of the brain bloo d circulation (ADBBC ) on Bugulminsky area of the Republic of Tatarstan

R.I. Yagudin, R.F. Ba ikeyev, K.R. Na rchayev, G.T. Yag udina

Abstract. Register of patients with an ADBBC (600 persons) on Bugulma area of RT has been created. The information

database was formed on the basis of case records of patients. The analysis of the Register of patients with ADBBC in the Central

regional hospital of Bugulma area has revealed some disadvantages in patients supervision: 1) 40% of patients were hospitalized

after 3 hours of the ADBBC onset, 2) supervision without MRI brain examination doesn't allow to visualize patient’s lesion focus

and to verify its localization 3), in the system of ADBBC-patients supervision there is a lack of availability of fibrinolytic and

neuroprotective medicines, 4) lack of the pharmacological correction of the lipid metabolism in patients.

Key words: register, acute disturbance of the brain blood circulation (ADBBC), Bugulma area of the Republic of Tatarstan



Prevalence features of types of vegetative reaction in patients with hypertension of different stages

A.YU . Cheremisina, R.G. Saifutdinov , M.F. Is mag ilov

Abstract. The aim of the study was the examination of blood pressure on both hands by daily monitoring of arterial pressure

with regard to the type of vegetative regulation in patients with hypertension of different stages. 50 patients with hypertension of I

and II stages (n=20 and n=30) were examined. Monitoring of blood pressure was carried out simultaneously on two hands during

24 hoursby Shiller BR-102 plus S/N:290.02773 and BR-102 plus S/N:290.02809 (Switzerland), in the day-time (7.00-22.00) every

15 minutes, at night (22.00-7.00) every 30 minutes. A condition of VNS was estimated with rythmocardiomonitor ELON-001M2

(Russia). Statistical data processing was made using the «Statistics 6» program. Daily average blood pressure was raised in both

groups. At the same time in group of patients with hypertension of II stage blood pressure was higher on the right hand whereas

on the left hand; on the contrary these indicators were higher in the group of patients with hypertension of I stage. In overwhelming

majority of supervision in patients with hypertension a sympatic type of vegetative reaction was revealed .

Key words: Hypertension, daily Holter monitoring of arterial pressure, a daily profile of arterial pressure, vegetative nervous



The prevalence of long QT interval in patients with coronary heart disease and type II diabetes

A.F. Garipova , R.G. Sayfutdinov , G.R. Vagapova

Abstract. The article presents information on the prevalence of long QT interval and sudden cardiac death in patients with

coronary heart disease and type II diabetes. We describe clinical picture, risk factors and complications of acquired long QT

syndrome. The impact on it of various drugs is revealed. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between the level of blood

glucose and QT interval prolongation. Both hypo- and hyperglycemia prolong QT interval, increasing the risk of fatal arrhythmias.

The mechanisms of this phenomenon are presented. The question of a safe level of blood glucose in patients with coronary heart

disease and type II diabetes is discussed.

Key words: QT interval, ventricular arrhythmias, hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, coronary heart disease, type II diabetes.

Monitoring the risk factors in the development of malignant neoplasms of the thyroid gland in the Chuvash Republic

L.A. Timofeyeva

Abstract. Screening of healthy population (3604 persons) and the study of the levels of 17 macro- and microelements in the

soils, waters and foodstuffs were conducted. The study detected that the gross concentration of iodine in the soils of subregions

of the Chuvash Republic biosphere is less than 0.5 mg/kg (with the standard of 4-5 mg/kg); there is a high rate of silicon content

in Prisursky subregion. A direct link between silicon content in local foodstuffs and prevalence of nodular forms of goiter was

established. The combination of iodine deficiency and high silicon concentrations is a risk factor of thyroid hyperplasia development

with transition to a malignant process.


Key words: risk factor, thyroid gland, endemic goiter, thyroid cancer.

A professional manager: competence as a manager, personal maturity, qualitative thinking

SH.M. Vakhitov , L.I. Gilaz etdinova , M.V. Blok hina, O.N. Urazova

Abstract. Just as to obtain a passport by a person doesn’t give him a right to be a full member of the society, so the managerial

education does not mean the acquisition of characteristics such as personal maturity and quality thinking. The article deals with

the development of these parameters as the most important characteristics of professional competence of the manager, scale

(size) of his thinking, the ability to solve tactical and strategic objectives, to effectively combine the technology and the psychology

of management. Aspects stated in the article may be useful to a head (manager) of any rank to assess their own competence

in professional work.


Key words: competence, manager, personal maturity, qualitative thinking.

The research of medico-social features & the life quality of patients with pathology of musculoskeletal system

N.Yu. Perepyolkina, A.R. Abdrak hmanov , Ye.A. Kalinina

Abstract. The results of social research among patients, who underwent treatment in GBUZ “Regional rehabilitation hospital”,

are presented. We carried out an anonymous questioning of 213 patients with pathology of musculoskeletal system with studying

medico-social portrait of patients and their satisfaction with the quality of medical treatment. We studied the life quality parameters

with the use of international questionnaire MOS SF-36. Medico-social portrait is the following: women 41—60 years old, with

secondary special education, workers, with pathology of musculoskeletal system during last 5 years. The parameters of both

health state according to self-assessment & the life quality of these patients improved after the course of rehabilitation.


Key words: medico-social portrait, life quality, rehabilitation.

Estimation of quality of out-patient rehabilitative treatment of patients with fractures of the proximal articular end of the tibia

I.V. Ryabchikov , I.O. Pankov

Abstract. The aim of the study is to optimize a complex of actions of out-patient rehabilitative treatment and to estimate

the quality of out-patient rehabilitative treatment of 24 patients with fractures of the proximal articular end of a tibia who passed

treatment in «Hospital for veterans of wars» of Kazan in 2010-2011. The assessment of quality of treatment was made with the

Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form Health Survey questionnaire. According to the collected data (p<0,05) the general

health (GH 74), role-physical functioning (RP 85,4), role-emotional functioning (RE 84,9), vitality (VT 68,3), social functioning (SF

45,6), bodily pain intensity (BP 80,8) and mental health (MH 72,7) of patients after rehabilitative treatment are better compared

to initial indicators (general health 73,3, role-physical functioning 81,3, role-emotional functioning 83,5, vitalty 63,8, mental health

70,3, social functioning 45,5, bodily pain intensity 73,1).


Key words: intraarticular fracture of the knee joint, rehabilitative treatment, health related quality of life.

Ways to improve the quality of medical care in cases of acquired progressive myopia in school children

M.R. Khadzhiyeva , I.P. Shurygina

Abstract. The purpose of the paper was to study the findings of a Doppler examination of the ophthalmic artery and the posterior

long ciliary arteries in cases of acquired progressive myopia in schoolchildren. The data of examination of 68 patients aged from


6 to 17 years, of which 18 patients with emmetropia and 50 patients with myopia, have been presented. Ultrasound examination revealed a significant decrease in blood flow velocity parameters in the examined vessels. Thus, the use of the Doppler method

makes it possible to determine the prognosis of myopia and to improve the quality of medical care in the ophthalmic practice.

Key words: progressive myopia, hemodynamics, Doppler examination.

Long-term results and quality of life of patients after elective cholecystectomy:

(a review of the literature)

A.R. Badretdinova , R.G. Saifutdinov , R.Sh. Shaimardanov

Abstract. The analysis of investigation concerned with the research of health-related quality of life and remote results after

elective cholecystectomy has been made. Comparative analysis of types of operative therapy of gallstone desease is presented.

As the review of literature shows, there are few works in literature concerned with the research of health-related quality of life

long after cholecystectomy; research information is contradictive which indicates the necessity of fundamental investigation of

this problem.


Key words: elective, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparotomy, quality of life, cholelithiasis.

Quality of life of patients after emergency cholecystectomy (a review of the literature)

E.I. Mitusheva , R.G. Saifutdinov , R.Sh. Shaimardanov

Abstract. This article provides the data analysis of the both domestic and foreign scientists having studied the quality of life


after emergency cholecystectomy. An overall assessment of the methods of surgical treatment of acute cholecystitis, the definition of quality of life is presented. The literature study shows that there are a small number of studies devoted to the investigation of the

quality of life after emergency cholecystectomy. It was concluded that these studies are contradictory and can not be generalized.

This defines the necessity of further research in this area.

Key words: emergency, urgent, delayed surgery, emergency cholecystectomy, the quality of life, acute cholecystitis.

Dynamics of collective effective radiation doses in population of the Republic

of Tatarstan from different sources of ionizing radiation for the period of 1998-2010 years

S.A. Ryzhkin, R.K. Is mag ilov , M.A. Patyas hina

Abstract. The reason of many depopulation processes (the growth of malignant diseases, hereditary disorders) in the

population is associated with technogenous environmental pollution. Natural radiation, medical radiological studies, technologically

modified radiation background, and businesses using sources of ionizing radiation participate in the formation of collective effective

radiation dose in the population. In this paper we analyzed the contribution of various sources of exposure to the collective dose,

and provide recommendations to reduce the radiation dose in the population.


Key words: effective dose; radiation exposure; stochastic effects; ionizing radiation; radiation safety.

Way of life and living conditions of medical staff in the Republic of Yemen

I.A. Kamayev, Abdul Salam M.A. Al-Da ras i, YU .A. Elina

Abstract. The development of medical support in many ways conditions the life quality of human resources, work contentment

in a medical institution, psychological comfort at work and at home. Research objective is examination of medical staff’s way

of life and living conditions in the Republic of Yemen. Public opinion poll with the help of our specially elaborated questionnaire

was realized on the base of a multifield hospital in Tize city. Unsatisfactory social economic factors (disorderly way of life, low

salary and inconvenient schedule) influence health state, labor efficiency and quality. Occupational determinants aggravating

low quality of patient service are defined.

Weakly-developed medical guaranteeing in the Republic of Yemen is dictating a necessity of continuous improvement

of this very sector, leaning against other countries’ experience.


Key words: the Republic of Yemen, social economic factors, medical staff’s health.