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2012г. №1 Print E-mail


1 1 28 14.0


Frolova O.A., Utkelbayev R.I., Safiullina Z.F., Frolov D.N., Sabirzyanova G.E. Medical and demographic parameters

as indicators of reproductive health (at the example of the Republic of Tatarstan)................................................................... 5

Goleva O.P., Sabayev A.V. Analysis of «hospitalized morbidity» of Omsk population as a result of acute poisoning cases

of a chemical etiology for the period of 2001—2010..................................................8

Shirinskaya N.V. Modern tendencies of osteoarthrosis and gastroduodenal diseases morbidity among adult population in the territory of the Russian Federation and the Siberian Federal District.................................12

1 1 38 14.0


Klimshina T.K., Fedorova G.V., Vyaltsin S.V. Factors influencing on health state of young men of pre-conscription

and conscription age, residents of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area—Yugra (according to questioning of adolescents’ parents)..........16

Bushuyeva E.V., Gerasimova L.I., Gruzinova E.N., Smirnova E.I., Ivanova O.N. Some features of morbidity of full-term infants in adolescence taking into account birth weight .......................................................................................19

Efimova S.V. The results of the medical examination of citizens of the call-up age in Оrenburg................................................22

1 1 41 14.0


Masyagutova L.M., Bakirov A.B. Indicators of local and systemic immunity under influence of оccupational factors .............25

Valeyeva E.T., Galimova R.R., Timasheva G.V. Occupational and work-related diseases in heptyl manufacture workers......28

Erdneyeva N.V., Dautov F.F., Shamsiyarov N.N. Sanitary assessment of risk factors of women working in production of general mechanical rubber goods....32

1 1 33 14.0


Gerasimova L.I., Viktorova L.V., Denisova T.G. Medico-social Risk Factors of Blood Circulation System Diseases .............36

Zhdanova L.A., Salova M.N., Abramova T.F. New forms of medical and social aid organization for children with eye-sight impairments...................................40

Mendelevich B.D., Kuklina A.M. Comparative analysis of lethality among the mentally ill patients of the Naberezhnye Chelny Psychoneurological Dispensary and Republican Clinical Psychiatric Hospital for the period of 2005—2009........45

1 1 37 14.0


Kharisov I.F., Afanasyeva Z.A. Infringements of the legislation on obligatory medical insurance............................................. 54

1 1 78 14.0


Galimzyanova G.Z., Gurylyova M.E. Mathematical modelling of formation of school children’s myopia and risk of formation of this disease ................... 58

Suchkova E.V., Khokhlacheva N.A., Gorbunov A.Yu. The effectiveness of health school for patients with hepatobiliary pathology......63

A.N. Evaluation of effectiveness of arterial hypertension prevention cabinet activity in rehabilitation of patients in outpatient clinics..................... 67

Anishchenko P.N., Dyukareva A.M. The way of the estimation of productivity of medical and diagnostic processes and definition of ways of raising their efficiency ..................................................................................................................... 69

1 1 52 14.0


Ryabchikov I.V., Pankov I.O., Ryabchikova E.N. Study of life quality depending on health of patients with intraarticular fractures of the knee joint during the rehabilitative treatment..................................................................... 74

Perepelkina N.Ju., Abdrakhmanov A.R. Satisfaction of patients with the medical care quality rendered in the regional rehabilitation hospital................................ 77

Kamasheva G.R., Khakimova R.F., Valiullina S.A. Quality of life as criterion of efficiency of local therapy of atopic dermatitis in infants............................80

Medical and demographic parameters as indicators of reproductive health

(at the example of the Republic of Tatarstan)

O.A. Frolova, R.I. Utkelbayev, Z.F. Safiu llina, D.N. Frolov, G.E. Sabirzyanova

Abstract. The present demographic situation in the Republic of Tatarstan is characterised by low fertility and high mortality

rates. The general birth rate has increased from 9,4 up to 13,0 in 10 years. The rate of increase in the number of live-borns was

38,1% and that of dead-borns was 0,01%. The increase of complications rates in pregnancy and birth (growth rate 8,4%), the

congenital anomalies (malformations), deformations and chromosomal abnormalities (growth rate 41,7%) and endocrine system

diseases, nutritional and metabolic disorders are observed in the Republic of Tatarstan. Medical and demographic parameters

may indicate the degree of welfare in society including reproductive health service system state.


Key words: medical and demographic parameters, reproductive health, pregnancy and birth complications, population.

Analysis of «hospitalized morbidity» of Om sk population as a result of acute poisoning cases of a chemical etiology for the period of 2001—2010

O.P. Goleva, A.V. Sabayev

Abstract. The study of «hospitalized morbidity» of Omsk population in consequence of acute poisoning cases of chemical

etiology for the period from 2001 up to 2010 was the goal of the paper. As a result of the study the increase of this index for

the given period was determined. It was concluded that the identification of etiological and social aspects of acute chemical

poisoning cases may be one of the long-term trends in the study of morbidity in acute poisoning cases of chemical etiology in a

large industrial centre. It allows in perspective to study the medico-social aspects of population health in a large industrial centre

in the context of chemical safety.


Key words: аcute chemical poisoning cases, «hospitalized morbidity» index.

Modern tendencies of osteoarthrosis and gastroduodenal diseases morbidity among adult

population in the territory of the Russian Federation and the Siberian Federal District

N.V. Shirinskaya

Abstract. Study of modern tendencies of adult population osteoarthrosis, peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum, gastritis

and duodenitis morbidity is the aim of this work. The retrospective analysis of osteoarthrosis and diseases of gastroduodenal area

morbidity is carried out aimed at identification of possible cause and effect relationship between the observed phenomena. It is

noted that in the territory of the Russian Federation there is statistically significant relationship between morbidity, pathologies like

gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum, and arthrosis in shares of the elderly disabled populations. Results

of the study confirm a conclusion about provoking role of osteoarthritis in the development of gastropathies.


Key words: osteoarthritis, morbidity, peptic-ulcer disease of stomach and duodenum, gastritis, duodenitis.

Factors influencing on health state of young men of pre-conscription

and conscription age, residents of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area—Yugra

(according to questioning of adolescents’ parents)

T.K. Klimshina, G.V. Fedo rova, S.V. Vyaltsi n

Abstract. The conducted research in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area — Jugra (KhMAA) has allowed to find out a number of

the factors having negative influence on the health of children. Six factors, having united certain significant variables have been

singled out in the course of parents questioning, the rating of factors has been determined. The first, preventive factor (20,3%)

has united three variables (as respondents have estimated, the relation of the local doctor to his duties; doctor’s talks with the

child about measures of preventive maintenance of diseases; doctor’s talks with parents about the condition of their child and

measures of preventive maintenance of diseases). The second factor is medico-social (17,6%). It includes two variables (duration

of residing of a family in the territory of KhМАA; the reasons of the illness of the son, according to parents). The third – a family

factor (16,6%) is formed by two variables (reflects material and living conditions at present; parent’s estimation of the quality of the

child’s feeding in home conditions). The fourth factor on a rating — a social one (15,5%) is formed by one variable — the child's

attendance of preschool educational establishment. The fifth biological factor on a rating (15,1%) united two variables having very

high numerical value, approximating to 1 (age of the respondent-parent; age of the respondent at a birth of the son). Taking into


account the above-mentioned factors, measures which should improve adolescents’ health, have been determined.

Key words: young men, health, influence, factors.

Some features of morbidity of full-term infants in adolescence taking

into account birth weight

E.V. Bushuyeva, L.I. Gerasi mova, E.N. gruzi nova, E.I. Smirnova, O.N. Ivanova

Abstract. There were analyzed the health state of children in adolescence, born at term with different weight. Children with

intrauterine growth retardation syndrome and large birth weight are more susceptible to diseases of the cardiovascular system

and endocrine system and metabolic disorders.


Key words: intrauterine growth retardation, birth weight, morbidity.

The results of the medical examination of citizens of the call-up age in Оrenburg

S.V. Efimova

Abstract. This article gives results of the medical examination of citizens of the call-up age in Orenburg. The period of research

is 2006-2010. A decrease of fitness for military service indicators is noted. There is a clear tendency to increase of the number

of sick conscripts, partly fit for military service or needing the delay for treatment.


Key words: medical examination, health, physical development, citizens of the call-up age, Orenburg.

Indicators of local and systemic imm unity under influence

of оccupational factors

L.M. Mas yagu tova, A.B. Ba kirov

Abstract. Pollution of the work environment by ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, carbonic acid, dust, microorganisms is the typical

feature of modern agroindustrial production. The present paper demonstrates that more than one thirds of female workers engaged

in the basic manufacture suffer from different allergic pathologies: bronchial asthma, contact dermatitis and occupational eczema.

Moderate negative correlation between the length of work and relative content of T-lymphocytes -СD3+ (– 0,57), IgM, G (–0,48

and –0,4) has been identified in peripheral blood. High negative correlation is noted in CD4+ (–0,96), CD8+ (–0,65), spontaneous

HCT-test (–0,62). Moderate negative correlation between phagocyte activity and spontaneous HCT (–0,54) has been detected.

A significant increase of total IgA concentration in saliva accompanied by deficient secretory IgA has been identified in persons

working under the conditions of aerogenic antigenic load. It has been found that sICAM-1 molecules take part in the formation

of sensibilization (mostly fungal) of the organisms of subjects working under the conditions of chronic aerogenic load. Diversity

and intensity of interrelations between parameters probably reflect a «stress» syndrome of adaptative mechanisms in the system

of homeostasis.


Key words: workers of agro industrial complex, immune system, molecules of intercellular adhesion, mucosal immunity.

Occupational and work-related diseases in heptyl manufacture workers

E.T. Valeyeva, R.R. Galimova, G.V. Ti mas heva

Аbstract. Nitrosodimethylhydrazine (heptyl) manufactured in the process of organic synthesis and used as a jet fuel is the

strongest hepatotropic poison causing toxic hepatitis. A chemical factor in the manufacture of fuel oil presents a complex of


hazardous chemicals of Class 1-2 [nitrosodimethylamine, nitrosodimethylhydrazine (heptyl)]. Clinical picture of hepatitis shows its relatively benign course, absence of a tendency to progression. A complex of clinical-and-laboratory methods of studies as

well as liver biopsy are basic criteria of occupational toxic hepatitis diagnostics. A high level of work-related biliary dyskinesia has

been identified in heptyl manufacture workers.

Key words: manufacture of fuel oil, occupational toxic hepatitis, work-related diseases.

Sanitary assessment of risk factors of women working in production

of general mechanical rubber goods

N.V. Erdneyeva, F.F. Dau tov, N.N. Shamsi yarov

Abstract. The results of studying the conditions of work in general mechanical rubber goods production shops are presented.

It is found that high air temperature, air pollution with harmful substances are the main occupational harmful factors. The overall

estimation of conditions of work (according to P.2.2.2006-05) corresponds to the 3rd class of the 3rd degree. Based on the obtained

data a complex of prophylactic measures oriented to improving conditions of work has been developed.


Key words: conditions of work, harmful substances, prophylactic measures, risk factors.

Medico-social Risk Factors of Blood Circulation System Diseases

L.I. Gerasimova, L.V. Vi ktorova, T.G. Deniso va

Abstract. With a high morbidity rate of the blood circulation system diseases in the world the mortality and disability rates are

higher in Russia than in the developed countries. Based on retrospective analysis of 1000 cases a study of medico-social risk

factors of blood circulation system diseases was carried out, the most significant risk factors for the region were defined.


Key words: мorbidity rate, medico-social risk factors, ecology, smoking, alcohol abuse.

New forms of medical and social aid organization for children with eye-sight impairments

L.А. Zhda nova, M.N. Salova, T.F. Abramova

Abstract. The aim of the study was increas of the quality of preventive and corrective measures in work with the children with

eye-sight impairments. The study was based on complex evaluation of state of children with eye-sight impairments. As a result

of the study a differentiated programme of medical and social follow-up for children with eye-sight impairments, consisting of

recommendations units, developed by the authors, was introduced in a practice of primary pediatric healthcare. The necessity for

opening a Health Centre for children with poor eye-sight on the basis of correctional pre-school institutions was grounded. Complex

programme of medical and social aid for children with eye-sight impairments, grounded taking into account the abnormalities in

health, allow individualizing the approaches to health-improvement measures, and consequently-increasing the quality of life of

poor-sighted children.


Key words: prevention, health improvement, children with eye-sight impairment.

Comparative analysis of lethality among the mentally ill patients

of the Naberezhnye Chelny Psychoneurological Dispensary

and Republican Clinical Psychiatric Hospital for the period of 2005-2009

B.D. Mendelevich, A.M. Ku klina

Abstract. The study was conducted on the basis of study of cases of dead patients, who suffered from psychiatric diseases

and underwent hospital treatment in the Republican Clinical Psychiatric Hospital and Psychological Dispensary in Naberezhnye

Chelny. The period of study was from 2005 up to 2009. The main nosologic group among the dead patients consisted of the

patients with brain organic diseases. The study allowed making conclusion that the patients suffering from severe mental diseases

and undergoing hospital treatment in the psychiatric hospitals die of somatic pathology. The diseases of cardiovascular and

respiratory systems constitute the main group among somatic diseases.


Key words: lethality, somatic pathology, schizophrenia, cardiovascular system diseases, somatic examination.

Infringements of the legislation on obligatory medical insurance

I.F. Khariso v, Z.A. Afa nas yeva

Аbstract. The article contains the data on the critical analysis of the current legislation of the Russian Federation about obligatory

medical insurance. Thus unsystematic character and discrepancy in the articles, concerning infringements of the legislation on

obligatory medical insurance of working and idle population, that makes diffucult the realization of passed laws, is revealed. The

authors have come to conclusion on the necessity of regulation of the relations arising in the course of calling to account for

infringements of the legislation on obligatory medical insurance of the idle population exclusively by law. Offers on perfection of

legal regulations on infringements of the legislation on obligatory medical insurance of the working and idle population which can

be used in the activity of legislative (representative) bodies of state authority of the Russian Federation are presented.

Key words: obligatory medical insurance, insurance payments on obligatory medical insurance, infringements of the legislation


on obligatory medical insurance.

Mathematical modelling of formation of school children’s myopia

and risk of formation of this disease

G.Z. Galimzyanova, M.E. Gurylyova

Abstract. The lifestyle of 349 schoolchildren from 6 to 10 grades of specialized school with the extended studying of some

subjects in Kazan has been studied using original questionniare. Based on the obtained data, the mathematical modeling of

myopia risk prediction has been performed, and 13-membered equation describing the formation process of the disease with a

probability of 90,5% has been obtained with the use of standard Microsoft Excel programs. Among the factors being of significance

for the disease development hereditary predisposition, involvement in studies, sporting activity, out-of school pastime, rest are

presented. By substituting the codes of the factor levels in the proposed equation, a physician has the opportunity to get a

specific forecast of the risk of myopia development in child and develop an individual program of prevention, taking into account

the influence of existing negative factors.


Key words: myopia, mathematical modeling, medical and social factors, correlation and regression analysis.

The effectiveness of health school for patients with hepatobiliary pathology

E.V. Suchkova, N.A. Khokhlacheva, A.Yu . Gorbunov

Abstract. The aim of the study was assessment of effectiveness of lessons at health school for patients with chronic acalculous

cholecystitis and fatty hepatosis at I stage (pre-calculous) of cholelithiasis. The effectiveness of training at school was evaluated

by controlling knowledge before and after school, determining personal and reactive anxiety using the test of Spielberg-Hanin.

On finishing training cycle the increase of hygiene awareness and medical activity, the decrease of anxiety level was marked in

patients. Motivation to keep healthy lifestyle increased. Organization of health schools for patients with hepatobiliary pathology

is a perspective trend in a prevention of cholelithiasis.


Key words: health school, chronic acalculous cholecystitis, fatty hepatosis, medical competence, psychological status.

Evaluation of effectiveness of arterial hypertension prevention cabinet activity

in rehabilitation of patients in outpatient clinics

T.V. Zorina, A.N. La vrov

Abstract. Medico-social and economic effectiveness of arrangements for patients with arterial hypertension is studied.

Development of disease prevention cabinet has provided an opportunity to establish a system of training of the given contingent.

An exemplary curriculum has been developed. Training in arterial hypertension prevention cabinet forms an active attitude to

life in a patient, improves a motivation to implement preventive measures. The economic factor is no longer considered to be an

obstacle for implementation of treatment recommendations. The introduction of teaching the patients with hypertension into the

system of their medico-social support allows getting a significant efficiency during a year that determines favourable prognosis

of the disease.


Key words: arterial hypertension, rehabilitation, outpatient clinics.

The way of the estimation of productivity of medical and diagnostic processes

and definition of ways of raising their efficiency

P.N. Anishchenko, A.M. Dyukareva

Abstract. «The card of an estimation of quality of medical aid» of the establishment of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous

Area — Yugra «District Clinical Hospital» was worked out as a result of systematic activity oriented to advancing efficiency raise

of medical-and-diagnostic processes. As the basic source of data for examination of medical aid’s quality the standard medical

documentation is used. The scale of a total estimation of a degree of medical aid’s quality and a design procedure of an integrated

indicator of the quality influencing stimulating extra charges of staff’s wages is presented. Based on the introduction and analysis

of this card use medico-organizational technologies of rendering medical aid to patients were optimized. Based on the introduction

and analysis of this card in Hospital, some organizational technologies of medical aid to patients were optimized. As a result,

during the period from 2001 up to 2009, the basic indicators in hospital work have been improved.


Key words: estimation of quality of medical aid to population.

Study of life quality depending on health of patients with intraarticular fractures

of the knee joint during the rehabilitative treatment

I.V. Ryabchikov, I.O. Pankov, E.N. Ryabchikova

Abstract. The aim of the study was determination of life quality of 20 patients with the intraarticular fractures of the knee joint

after surgical treatment, in the period after immobilization that passed a course of rehabilitative treatment. The research was

carried out in 2009-2011 with the use of the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form Health Survey questionnaire. According

to the collected data (p<0,05) the general health (GH 77,3), role-physical functioning (RP 87,5), role-emotional functioning (80,2),

vitality (VT 72) and mental health (78,4) of patients after rehabilitative treatment were higher than initial indicators (General Health

66,7, Role-physical Functioning 70, Role-emotional Functioning 71,8, Vitality 67,8, Mental Health 74,8).


Key words: life quality depending on health, MOS SF-36, intraarticular fracture of the knee joint, rehabilitative treatment.

Satisfaction of patients with the medical care quality rendered

in the regional rehabilitation hospital

N.Ju. Perepelkina, A.R. Abdrakhmanov

Abstract. The article gives results of social study (anonymous questionnaire) among patients with pathology of the

musculoskeletal system, who underwent a cause of rehabilitation. As a whole the results show a high level of satisfaction with

the quality of medical care, rendered in SHI “Regional Rehabilitation Hospital” in Sol`Iletsk.


Key words: satisfaction, quality of medical care, rehabilitation.

Quality of life as criterion of efficiency of local therapy of atopic dermatitis in infants

G.R. Kamasheva, R.F. Khakimova, S.A. Va liu llina

Abstract. The aim of the investigation was to study the dynamics of quality of life (QOL) in infants with the combined therapy of

acute phase of atopic dermatitis (AD). The efficiency of local therapy of AD in 50 infants was estimated with the use of international

QUALIN questionnaire. It was noted that the result of treatment of AD was the improvement in clinical presentations and QOL in

all infants. It was concluded that combined therapy of acute phase of AD improves QOL of patients. The QUALIN questionnaire

can be used to assess the effectiveness of the treatment of infants with AD.


Key words: quality of life, infants, atopic dermatitis, local therapy, QUALIN.