Theoretical and practical Journal "Public Health and Health Care" is published since January 2004. It comes out 4 times a year, in 96 pages per issue, circulation is 1000 copies. The main topic of the Journal is public health and health care, medical, demographic, social, economical, ecological, and other pressing social problems.
The aim of Journal is to cover and discuss the most important public health issues of the Russian Federation and other countries: economical issues, organization and management of health care, the system of obligatory medical insurance, social security, sanitation-epidemiology service, and the effectiveness of adoption and development of advances of medical science. The Journal aims to create a reference guide to theory and practice of public health service and management.
The headings/rubrics:
1. Health and society 2. Maternity and child protection 3. Health of economically active population 4. Elderly population health protection 5. Health care economics 6. Health care special services 7. Organisational and management issues of sanitary epidemiological services 8. Education and personnel 9. Medicine supply 10. Medical insurance 11. Ethical and legal aspects of healthcare 12. The health of the healthy 13. Health care news 14. Health care informational support 15. Health care history 16. Organization and development of health protection management system 17. Family medicine 18. The quality of society's medical social protection 19. Work Experience exchange 20. Ecology and Health
The founders of the Journal are the society of specialists in public health and health care of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Health, and the medical insurance fund of the Tatarstan Republic. The main audiences are the specialists in public health and health care, the heads of health care departments, social welfare, obligatory medical insurance, and sanitary epidemiology service; heads of administrative health care departments, specialists in various fields, and physicians.
Publishing house "Meditsina",
Postal address: 420059, Kazan, Hadi Taktash
str., p.o. box 71
Legal address: Kazan, H.Taktash str., 125
Ph.: (843) 278-92-36
Fax (843) 570-22-72
Distribution of the "Public Health and Health Care" is managed through a subscription to a catalog OAO "ROSPECHAT" agency (subscription index 20845); you can also order it from the editorial office all around Russian Federation. The limited amount of copies is sent to other countries as well. The electronic subscription to the full text journal is available at the scientific e-library at eLIBRARY.RU (
Advertisement: using the four color process the advertisement can be placed on 2, 3, 4th pages of glossy cover, the colored inserts and black and white pages are available.
For more information you can contact the head of the editorial staff Safiullina Aigul Aidarovna