Khabriev R.U., Mingazova E.N., Shigabutdinova T.N., Mansurova R.G. Dynamics of the main indicators of population morbidity in Tatarstan Republic ....................................................................................5
Shulaev A.V., Zaripova R.N., Zhaboeva S.L. Prevalence and management of skin cancer risk factors (Literature review) ............................................................................................................................................12
Chicherin L.P. , Shchepin V.O., Nikitin M.V. About optimization of the medical and social section of primary healthcare of children and adolescents in Russia............................................................................18
Sabaev A.V., Goleva O.P., Tasova Z.B. Analysis of «hospitalized morbidity» of children as a result of acute chemical poisoning and exposure to toxic substances......................................................25
Manerova O.A., Markina A.Yu. Character of the incidence of Chelyabinsk mothers who left their newborns without parental care...................................................................................................30
Denisova T.G., Mardoyan M.A., Denisova E.A., Lezhenina S.V., Sidorova T.N. Reproductive health of teenage girls in the Chuvash Republic .........................................................................................................38
Bektasova M.V., Zhuravskaya N.S., Gultiyaeva L.A. Analysis of the structure of occupational morbidity and assessment of working conditions for health workers in the Primorsky Territory .......................42
Kalininskaya A.A., Shakurov I.G., Morozova E.V., Merekina M.D., Maksimova L.G. Improvement of the organization of medical care for patients of dermatovenereological profile within the framework of the project «Lean polyclinic».......................................................................................49
Bayanova N.A., Chernova M.O., Samoilova Ju.V. Calculation of economic damage from type II diabetes and its complications.......................................................................................................53
Berseneva E. A., Mikhailov D.Yu. Analysis of efficiency and organization of works on coding diseases and mortality in world practice and in the Russian Federation ..........................................................60
Gadzhiev R.S., Omarova O.A., Agalarova L.S. Medical prevention awareness of general practitioners and nurses ..................................................................................................................67
Izbagambetova K.A., Kuzmin S.A., Solodovnikov V.V., Grigorieva L.K. Medical examination’s quality issues of citizens during conscription ....................................................................................................73
Ramil U. Khabriev, MD, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academic Director of N.A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health [105064 Moscow, Vorontsovo Pole str., 12, building 1; e-mail:
] Elmira N. Mingazova, MD, Professor, Chief Researcher of N.A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health, Moscow; Professor at Kazan State Medical University [420012 Kazan, Butlerov str., 49]; Professor at N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University [117997 Moscow, Ostrovityanov str., 1; e-mail:
Tatyana N. Shigabutdinova, PhD Medicine, Deputy Head Physician for obstetrics and gynecology of Municipal Clinical Hospital No 7, Kazan [420103 Kazan, Marshal Chuikov str., 54; e-mail:
] Rezida G. Mansurova, Head physician of Municipal Polyclinic No 18, Kazan [420087 Kazan, Karbyshev str., 72; e-mail:
Abstract. The dynamics of indicators of the morbidity of the population, as well as other criteria, makes it possible to objectively assess changes in public health, reflecting the impact on it of a number of factors, primarily medical and social. The purpose of the study is to study the regional characteristics of the dynamics of the main indicators of the incidence of the population using the example of Tatarstan Republic. Study methods. The study was conducted on the basis of analysis of information from statistical collections of Rosstat and Health Ministry of the Russian Federation and Tatarstan Republic. We used such methods as: study, generalization, analytical, statistical – descriptive statistics, trend analysis, T-test. Results. An increase in the incidence rates of the population of the Russian Federation in all age groups was revealed, especially significant among adolescents aged 15–17 years. An unfavorable trend in the dynamics of indicators of morbidity in children and adolescents is an increase in the number of diseases of the genitourinary system, which is a prognostically negative factor in the process of population reproduction in the medium term. As a result, descriptive statistics confirmed that the spread and the greatest variability of the incidence of the population in Tatarstan Republic in the period from 1991–2017 were noted in the age group of 15–17 years old. This indicates difficulties in predicting the trend in the incidence of adolescents, the need for a detailed study and the priority of monitoring the incidence of adolescents. Conclusions. A comparative analysis of morbidity indicators for the population of Tatarstan Republic over the course of more than 25 years revealed an increase in morbidity in all age groups, which may partly be explained by an increase in the quality of diagnostic, counseling and preventive care to the population, and the regularity of preventive medical examinations. In 2017, compared with 1991, the number of sick children aged 0–14 years old increased by 62,2% – from 1076,6 to 1746,5 per 1000 children (p?0,05), the number of sick adolescents in the age group 15–17 years old increased by 2,8 times: from 517,9 to 1435,8 per 1000 children in 2017 (p?0,05). The increase in the number of sick children and adolescents exceeded the same indicator among the population of Tatarstan Republic as a whole: the incidence of the entire population increased by 16% – from 684,2 to 794 per 1000 people. A significant increase in the number of diseases of the genitourinary system is noted: among children aged 0–14 years old, an increase of 3,7 times (from 8,8 to 32,8 per 1000 children); among adolescents of 15–17 years old – 6,1 times (from 9,6 to 58,2 per 1000 adolescents of the corresponding age group), among the population of the Tatarstan Republic as a whole by 63,8% – from 23,5 to 38,5 per 1000 people. It is advisable to take the results of a comparative analysis of incidence rates as the basis for the development of programs to protect public health and the formation of the demographic potential of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the country as a whole.
Key words: dynamics of morbidity of population, adult population, children, adolescents, diseases of the genitourinary system.
(Literature review)
Alexey V. Shulaev, Vice Rector for Regional Health Development, MD, Professor, head of general hygiene sub-faculty of Kazan State Medical University of Health Ministry of Russia [420012 Kazan, Butlerov str., 49; tel.: 8(987)213-67-12; e-mail:
] Regina N. Zaripova, dermatovenerologist of “Madine Clinic”, extramural postgraduate student of general hygiene sub-faculty of Kazan State Medical University of Health Ministry of Russia [tel.: 8(937)527-52-37; e-mail:
] Svetlana L. Zhaboeva, MD, Professor of general hygiene sub-faculty of Kazan State Medical University of Health Ministry of Russia, Chief of «SL Clinic» [e-mail:
Abstract. Malignant skin formations remain a current problem worldwide due to their high prevalence. Skin cancer causes an increase in the burden of living costs associated with temporary disability, increased costs of treatment and social support. Here is an overview of skin cancer problems with a focus on epidemiology and risk factors; literature resources on diagnosis, treatment and prevention of malignant skin neoplasms are also presented.
Leonid P. Chicherin, MD, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Department of strategic analysis in healthcare of N.A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health [105064 Moscow, Vorontsovo Pole str., 12, building 1; tel.: (495) 917-49-03; e-mail:
] Vladimir O. Shchepin, Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Chief of the Department of strategic analysis in healthcare of N.A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health [tel.: (495) 917-92-75;
] Mikhail V. Nikitin, MD, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Scientific and Clinical Branch of National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Resort Science of Health Ministry of Russia, Chief freelance specialist in sanatorium and resort treatment of Health Ministry of Russia [353486 Krasnodar Territory, Gelendzhik, Arkhipo-Osipovka village, Primorsky Boulevard, 32; tel.: (861) 416-17-03; e-mail:
Abstract. The purpose of the work was the scientific study of the state of health protection, organization of pediatric service of medical and social care (MSC) to children, teenagers and their families at the primary level and justification of practical proposals for its optimization. Material and methods. The study was carried out on the model of the children and adolescents up to the age of 18 years and their families. A complex of modern methods was developed: analytical (as a host), technical, statistical, expert, study, analysis and synthesis of experience of interdepartmental work of territories and medical organizations. The study of the state of health protection of the younger generation in Russia, their normative and legal support in conditions of priority of prevention and the leading role of primary health care (PHC) was conducted according to the recommendations of international organizations. Results. Serious defaults in the legal and methodological support of the new function of children ‘s polyclinics, in particular, – the provision of MSC assistance and the organization of special units in them have been identified. The local personnel problems are caused by the recommended staff standards to the medical and non-medical specialists required in this plan, difficulties in staffing posts. The educational programs of university education and postgraduate education of pediatricians on medical and social problems of children, adolescents and the family are not sufficiently effective. There is little dissemination of the accumulated experience of the Territories and medical organizations. Conclusion. The rational local organization of MSC for children and adolescents with a focus on its preventive orientation, can make a significant contribution to the implementation of many official documents, Priority National Projects, etc. The responsibility of the tasks facing the pediatric science and practice of Russia in this regard is particularly increasing in the period of 2018–2027, declared «Decade of Childhood» by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.
Key words: children of 0–17 years old, teenagers of 10–17 years old; health protection; primary health care; children’s policlinic; medical-social care; prevention, legal base; organizational and methodological support, interagency cooperation.
Alexander V. Sabaev, MD, Associate Professor of public health and healthcare sub-faculty of Omsk State Medical University of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation [644099 Omsk, Lenin str., 12; tel.: 8 903 982-76-74; e-mail: alesabaev@] Olga P. Goleva, MD, Professor, head of public health and healthcare sub-faculty of Omsk State Medical University of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation
Zulfiya B. Tasova, PhD Medicine, Associate Professor of public health and healthcare sub-faculty of Omsk State Medical University of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation
Abstract. No studies have been conducted on the prevalence and structure of acute chemical poisoning and exposure to toxic substances based on hospitalization data for the child population in the Russian Federation. However, some reports indicate that the incidence of poisoning among children has increased in recent years, and not all cases are registered because many patients are not hospitalized due to the refusal of their parents or relatives. Purpose of research was the
study of the dynamics of the level and structure of «hospitalized morbidity» of children in Omsk as a result of toxic effects and acute chemical poisoning for the period from 2012 to 2019. Materials and methods. We used alternative methods (intensive indicators) and graphical analysis in statistical processing of research materials; dynamic series indicators were calculated, and dynamic series were aligned based on the approximating function using a 3rd-degree polynomial. Results. 26,2% of decrease in the level of «hospitalized morbidity» of the child population as a result of acute chemical poisoning and exposure to toxic substances has been observed in Omsk during the analyzed period. The highest rates of «hospitalized morbidity» among children during the entire observation period were observed in the group of acute drug poisoning. During the study period, the level of «hospitalized morbidity» of children as a result of poisoning with poisons of plant origin decreased by 6,7 times, with alcohol toxic effects, the indicator decreased by 2,0 times, and in the group of drug poisoning ? by 22,8%. There was also a statistically significant 38,4% decrease in the number of hospitalizations for poisoning with non-infected poisons. At the same time, cases of hospitalization of children as a result of poisoning with hallucinogens and psychodisleptics were registered for the first time in 2018, and this figure increased 3,7 times in 2019.Conclusion. Significant changes were noted against the background of a favorable toxicological situation in the structure of poisoning according to hospitalization data during the study period, manifested by the appearance of new toxic sub- stances, which can lead to negative consequences for children’s health.
Key words: acute chemical poisoning, exposure to toxic substances, children’s population, «hospitalized morbidity» rate.
Olga A. Manerova, MD, Professor of public health and healthcare sub-faculty of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of Health Ministry of Russia [119991 Moscow, Trubetskaya str., 8, building 2; e-mail:
] Alena Yu. Markina, PhD Medicine, Associate Professor of public health and healthcare sub-faculty of South Ural State Medical University of Health Ministry of Russia [454092 Chelyabinsk, Vorovsky str., 64; e-mail:
Abstract. The article presents the data of the study of the general multitude of refusing mothers, residents of Chelyabinsk (630 women), and the corresponding number of mothers who have ended up their pregnancy with childbearing and who have taken their children for bringing up. Women have been selected using the method of «para-copies» according to the age, marital status, source of income and the result of the previous pregnancy. The objective is to study the morbidity of refusing mothers, who live in Chelyabinsk, in connection with the necessity to detect the illnesses which provoke the refusal from a newborn. The materials and the methods: as sources of information we have used the blank form No 96 «Labour and delivery record». The data have been collected for the period from 2009 to 2017 in the archives of 8 maternity hospitals and of the Regional Perinatal Centre of Chelyabinsk. Results and their discussion: the level of morbidity for refusing mothers in Chelyabinsk was (2007,2±80,5) cases per 1000 of the corresponding population on the average for the nine-year period. The morbidity was to be 2437,4 cases per 1000 of the corresponding population according to the forecast by 2020. It was predicted a slow growth of the level of morbidity of the socially significant pathology for refusing mothers by 2020: up to 739,1 cases per 1000 of the corresponding population, i.e., seven in every ten women will be carriers of socially significant illnesses. Conclusion. The fundamental difference of the morbidity of refusing mothers in Chelyabinsk is a higher average level of socially significant illnesses [(621,1±21,3) cases per 1000)] in comparison with the same index of women from the control group, whose rate of prevalence of the registered socially dangerous pathology is only (17,4±3,1) cases per 1000 of the corresponding population. The average morbidity level of refusing mothers is accurately higher than for women from the control group without even paying attention to socially significant illnesses.
Tamara G. Denisova, MD, Professor, Vice-Rector for Research of Physicians’ Continuing Education Institute of Health Ministry of the Chuvash Republic [428000 Cheboksary, M. Sespel str., 27]; Professor of obstetrics and gynecology sub- faculty of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University [428000 Cheboksary, Moscow avenue, 15, tel.: +7 (905) 197-37-07; е-mail:
Margarita A. Mardoyan, chief freelance teenage gynecologist of Health Ministry of the Chuvash Republic and the Volga Federal District [428000 Cheboksary, Moscow avenue, 9А; tel.: +7 (902) 328-20-20; е-mail:
] Elena A. Denisova, PhD Medicine, Associate Professor of obstetrics and gynecology sub-faculty of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University [428000 Cheboksary, Moscow Avenue, 15; tel.: +7 (919) 675-56-87; е-mail:
] Svetlana V. Lezhenina, PhD Medicine, Associate Professor, Head of management and health economics sub-faculty of
I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University [tel.: +7 (987) 126-81-84; е-mail:
] Tatyana N. Sidorova, PhD Medicine, Associate Professor of obstetrics and gynecology sub-faculty of I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University [tel.: +7 (919) 972-85-54; е-mail:
Abstract. Objective of the study is to analyze the data of statistical reports, to study the results of preventive examinations of girls and the reasons for seeking gynecological care. Material and methods were: statistical reports of Health Ministry of the Chuvash Republic, data of the Territorial Authority of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Chuvash Republic, data of preventive gynecological examinations and data on the appeal of girls under 18 years old to an obstetrician-gynecologist for 5 years. Diagnoses were made according to ICD-10. Results. The main deviations of the reproductive health of girls under 18 years old in the Chuvash Republic were revealed. The number of gynecological diseases registered for the first time in their lives is 13,506 for 100 thousand teenage girls according to statistical reports for 2019, what is 7,3% less than in 2018; the number of dispensary patients is 3494, what is 21% more than last year. The number of abortions in adolescent girls (15–17 years old) was 3,2 per 1000 girls, what is slightly higher than in the Russian Federation. Conclusion. Impaired reproductive health of adolescent girls is a significant factor in the deterioration of the reproductive health of the population, as well as the health of the future generation. Obviously, active propaganda of the elements of a healthy lifestyle and the introduction of measures to optimize it are required today, because the state of health and the high quality of life of expectant mothers are sources of demographic prospects.
Key words: reproductive health of adolescent girls, gynecological morbidity, delayed sexual development.
Marina V. Bektasova, PhD Medicine, Professor of occupational medicine, hygienic specialties and occupational diseases sub-faculty of Pacific State Medical University of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation [690002 Vladivostok, Okeansky Avenue, 163; tel.: 8 (902) 505-66-19] Natalia S. Zhuravskaya, MD, Professor of occupational medicine, hygienic specialties and occupational diseases sub-faculty of Pacific State Medical University of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation [tel.: 8 (914) 703-69-53]
Lyudmila A. Gultiyaeva, doctor of organizational department with statistics of Hospital for War Veterans [690011 Vladivostok, Novozhilov str., 19; tel.: 8 (423) 221-20-44]
Abstract. Modern multidisciplinary medical organizations are institutions with a complex set of units that provide a variety of medical, diagnostic and rehabilitation services. Medical personnel in healthcare institutions (doctors, nursing specialists, junior medical personnel) are affected by the factors of the labor process, which have a negative impact on the body and affect the health and morbidity of workers. The impact on medical personnel of factors of production and labor process can cause occupational diseases, an increase in the number of common chronic diseases, lead to a decrease in life expectancy, early aging. Therefore, the basis for ensuring the safety of working conditions in modern healthcare institutions should be a system of occupational risk management, which is a popular tool for establishing a link between the profession and possible health disorders. The results of occupational risk assessment are used to develop measures to improve working conditions, as well as to forecast the likelihood of developing occupational diseases.
Key words: Primorsky Territory, morbidity, medical staff, healthcare institutions.
Aleftina A. Kalininskaya, MD, Professor, Chief Researcher of public health research department of N.A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health; Chief Researcher of medical and social problems department of Central Research Institute for Healthcare Organization and Informatization of Health Ministry of Russia [12725 Moscow, Dobrolyubov str., 11, e-mail:
Ildar G. Shakurov, MD, Professor, Head physician of Samara Regional Dermatologic Dispensary [443099 Samara, Vensek str., 35; e-mail:
] Ekaterina V. Morozova, deputy head physician of Samara Regional Dermatologic Dispensary [e-mail:
]Maria D. Merekina, Postgraduate student of public health, healthcare and hygiene sub-faculty of Russian People’s Friendship University of Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation [e-mail:
Lyudmila G. Maksimova, Researcher at the biophysics of cell membranes in critical conditions laboratory of Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Rehabilitation [Moscow, Petrovka str., 25, build. 2; tel.: 8 (910) 455-53-45;
Abstract. The article presents new effective forms of work within the framework of the «Lean polyclinic» project, describes a set of measures to improve the provision of medical care to patients with dermatovenereological pathology. Objective of the study is the development and implementation of a complex of measures within the framework of the «Lean polyclinic» project in the Regional Dermatovenerologic Dispensary (RDD) in the Samara Region, including the regulation of intra-departmental interaction of dermatovenereologists with physicians, as well as a number of measures to improve the organization of labor doctors, the activity of the registry and other structural divisions of RDD. Survey questionnaire of patients of the RDD (412 patients) was conducted. The economic effect is calculated from the elimination of duplication of analyzes in the clinical examination of patients with dermatological diseases. Methods: direct observation, statistical, monographic, sociological. The measures implemented in the Samara region to improve the organizational basis for medical care for patients with dermatovenereological pathology made it possible to increase the availability, quality and satisfaction of patients with dermatovenereological care. The economic effect is calculated from the elimination of duplication of patient studies during clinical examination.
Key words: «Lean polyclinic», intra-departmental cooperation, lean production, dermatovenerologic dispensary, dermatovenereologists, primary specialized medical and sanitary care, regulations.
Natalia A. Bayanova, PhD Medicine, Associate Professor of public health and healthcare sub-faculty No 1 of Orenburg State Medical University of Health Ministry of Russia [460000 Orenburg, Soviet str., 6; e-mail:
] Maria O. Chernova, VI year student, Department of public health and healthcare sub-faculty No 1 of Orenburg State Medical University of Health Ministry of Russia [e-mail:
Julia V. Samoilova, VI year student, public health and healthcare sub-faculty No 1 of Orenburg State Medical University of Health Ministry of Russia [e-mail:
Abstract. The article presents the results of calculating the average economic damage from diabetes mellitus type II and its complications in the Orenburg region in 2016 per person. Direct medical costs amount to 71,0% of the average economic damage, where 70,1% accounts for hospitalization, caused by complications in more than half of the cases. The cost of treating complications is a little less than half (44,0%) of direct medical costs and about a third (31,3%) of the entire economic damage. The damage from complications is equal to half (50,4%) of the total cost of the disease’s treatment taking into account the direct and indirect non-medical costs. Computer program was developed on the base of the proposed method of calculation. It is recommended for use in regional healthcare in the development of programs to reduce type II diabetes.
Key words: type II diabetes, complications of type II diabetes, economic damage.
Evgenia A. Berseneva, MD, Head of Higher and Continuing Professional Education Center of N.A. Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health [105064 Moscow, Vorontsovo Pole str., 12/1; e-mail:
] Dmitry Yu. Mikhailov, PhD Medicine, Deputy Head of the hospital (clinical) (for clinical and expert work) of Primary Healthcare Unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow [127299 Moscow, Novaya Ipatovka str., 3А; e-mail:
Abstract. The article analyzes the effectiveness and organization of work on the coding of morbidity and mortality in world practice and in the Russian Federation. It is noted that the whole world community is faced with the acute problem of correct coding of morbidity and mortality at present. The incidence and mortality coding system in the Russian Federation requires substantial modernization aimed primarily at reducing errors. In addition, specialists have a number of difficulties in most cases when working with the ICD directory, which requires facilitating of its use. The article deals with the issue of using automated coding systems for morbidity and mortality. The experience of using this system in our country is also noted, which makes it possible to significantly simplify the entire process of issuing certificates, thereby excusing the practitioner from the coding function and choosing the initial cause of death.
Key words: morbidity, mortality, coding, international classification of diseases, the coding support automated system.
Rashid S. Gadzhiev, MD, Professor, Head of public health and healthcare sub-faculty of Dagestan State Medical University of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation [367012 Makhachkala, Lenin square, 1; tel.: 8 (965) 486-04-07; e-mail:
] Olesya A. Omarova, Postgraduate student of public health and healthcare sub-faculty of Dagestan State Medical University of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation [tel.: 8(928) 558-28-36; e-mail:
Luiza S. Agalarova, MD, Associate Professor of public health and healthcare sub-faculty of Dagestan State Medical University of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation [tel.: 8(960) 409-45-97; e-mail:
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to study the level of knowledge of general practitioners and nurses regarding medical prevention. Material and methods. The study was conducted in 2018–2019 on the base of the cities of Makhachkala, Kaspiysk, Derbent of the Republic of Dagestan. The questionnaire method was used to study the level of knowledge in medical prevention of 265 general practitioners and 269 nurses. A special questionnaire was developed to collect material;
it included 28 questions. The study uses sociological and statistical methods. Results. The study showed that the level of awareness of general practitioners and nurses on medical prevention is insufficient: 14,3% of general practitioners and 24,3% of nurses defined the concepts of «primary prevention», «secondary prevention», «tertiary prevention», «Medical prophylaxis», «medical examination» incorrectly; 37,8% of general practitioners and 41,7% of nurses could not list the main criteria characterizing the quality and effectiveness of preventive work, and 15,5% of general practitioners and 23,2% of nurses partially indicated them. The activities of the first stage of the clinical examination could not be listed by 17,1% of general practitioners, the second stage – by 24,7% of general practitioners; and, respectively, 32 and 38,2% of nurses. 37,9% of respondents could not name when the first stage of the medical examination is considered completed and must be paid. The most of general practitioners (58,4%) consider the clinical examination the most effective method of prevention. As the work experience of doctors increases, the proportion of respondents who consider preventive work much more effective than medical examination grows: in the group under 39 years old it amounted to 53,1%, from 40 to 54 years old – 66,8%, in the group of older doctors (55 years old and more) – 86,2%. Conclusions.The research materials indicate low qualifications of doctors and nurses in medical prevention, respondents could not give a complete and correct answer to many questions on the questionnaire. Ignorance of the main aspects of preventive work significantly reduces the quality of the provided preventive medical services. Ways to improve the quality of preventive work were identified: a review of the ratio of doctors and nurses, financial incentives for the volume and quality of preventive work, pay increase, better working conditions, thematic improvement of doctors’ qualifications and support from management.
Key words: general practitioners, nurse, questionnaire, medical examination, medical prophylaxis, health group, process measures.
Karlga A. Izbagambetova, Therapist of the Military Medical Commission of Military Commissariat of the Orenburg region [460000 Orenburg, Kirov str., 28; e-mail:
] Sergey A. Kuzmin, MD, Senior Lecturer, Professor of disaster medicine sub-faculty of Orenburg State Medical University of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation [460000 Orenburg, Sovetskaya str., 6; e-mail:
] Vitaly V. Solodovnikov, PhD Medicine, Associate Professor of disaster medicine sub-faculty of Orenburg State Medical University of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation [e-mail: solod1983@]
Lyubov K. Grigorieva, Associate Professor of disaster medicine sub-faculty of Orenburg State Medical University of Health Ministry of the Russian Federation [e-mail:
Abstract. The aim of the study was to identify weak links as the work of the call-up commissions of municipalities and to find ways to solve problematic issues in the organization of medical examinations of citizens during conscription. The system of staffing the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with human resources is one of the most important elements of the national security of our State. The number of citizens who appeared at recruitment commissions in the Orenburg region did not change significantly during the period under study from 2014 to 2018, the maximum figure was 20 027 in 2015 and 18 862 in 2014. The percentage declining of conscription resources had a maximum of 28,3% in 2015 and a minimum of 23,4% in 2016. Medical examination at the regional assembly station was a barrier function to prevent the sending to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of citizens who do not have to perform military service on call- up in accordance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation. The maximum return of citizens for health reasons (as incorrectly called up for military service) was registered in 2018 and amounted to 3,8%, and the minimum in 2017 – 3,3%. The first place in the return was annually occupied by mental disorders, the second place – diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the third place – diseases of the circulatory system. Conclusion. Thus, the identified problematic issues require management decisions in the current situation.
Key words: conscript, state of health, military service.