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2015г. №4 Print E-mail



Nizamov I.G., Sadykova T.I. About the problems and paradoxes of outcomes assessment in the health care system..............5

Karpov A.M., Kirukhina M.V., Belousova M.V., Mikhailova E.B., Utkuzova M.A. The method and result of biopsychosocial analysis of eating behavior...................................................................8

Beniova S.N., Kiku P.F., Yarygina M.V., Shiter N.S., Rudenko N.V., Gamova S.V. Dietary supplement «Tinrostim» impact assessment on immunological reactivity at students of the first year......................14

Vorotilina T.N., Prokop’ev V.P., Valitov F.M., Bakhareva G.I., Salyakhova D.N., Khasanova G.R. Assessment of health status of employees of educational institutions according to the results of periodic preventive examinations.........19


Moskvicheva M.G., Sakharova V.V., Podlubnaya L.V., Semenov Yu.A. The measures for decrease of the infant mortality rate................................................................27


Yarkaeva F.F., Bariev M.F. Position’s organization by antihypertensive drugs according to federal program in Tatarstan Republic......................................................32

Gammel I.V., Anoshkina E.V., Khlapov A.L. Analysis of the Nizhny Novgorod pharmaceutical market of analgesics and antipyretics otc for children ..................................................................40


Astaf’ev V.V., Nizamov I.G., Zhdanov R.I. Essay on the history of the Medical Faculty of Kazan University (1805—1930): scholarly traditions...................................................................................44


Allenov A.M., Nikiforov S.A., Belostotsky A.V., Kazantsev V.S., Vinokurov V.G. Multifactorial analysis and mathematical modeling in public health management..............................................53


Bogdanova T.G. Disease prevention and healthy lifestyle promotion...................................................57


About the problems and paradoxes of outcomes assessment in the health care system

Ildus G. Nizamov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of public health, economics and health care management department of SBEI HPE «Kazan State Medical Academy» of Health Ministry of Russia

Tamara I. Sadykova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of public health, economics and health care management department of SBEI HPE «Kazan State Medical Academy» of Health Ministry of Russia [420012 Kazan, Mushtary str., 11; ]

Abstract. The unfavorable levels of the most important indicators of the health of the economically active population (demographic indicators, general morbidity, morbidity with temporary disability, etc.) are associated with certain extent and with lack of system view in the health management of the population. Evaluation of the management of medical institutions should be based on key indicators of population health of the relevant territories (regions) and the most important factors involved in the formation of the levels and dynamics of relevant factors for a particular area. The overall health gains will be achieved by the system management optimization of the formation, first of all, the selected leading health indicators, adapted to the conditions of life of the population of several regions.

Key words: system approach, indicators of health, adequate management, performance.


The method and result of biopsychosocial analysis of eating behavior

Anatoly M. Karpov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of psychotherapy and addiction department, SBEI HPE «Kazan State Medical Academy» of Health Ministry of Russia [420012 Kazan, Mushtari str., 11; ]

Marina V. Kirukhina, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant Professor, psychotherapy and addiction department, SBEI HPE «Kazan State Medical Academy» of Health Ministry of Russia [420012 Kazan, Mushtari str., 11; ]

Marina V. Belousova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, pediatric neurology department, SBEI HPE «Kazan State Medical Academy» of Health Ministry of Russia [420012 Kazan, Mushtari str., 11; ]

Elena B. Mikhailova, Сandidate of Medical Sciences, Assistant Professor, department of psychotherapy and addiction, SBEI HPE «Kazan State Medical Academy» [420012 Kazan, Mushtari str, 11; ]

Marina A. Utkuzova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, pediatric neurology department, SBEI HPE «Kazan State Medical Academy» [420012 Kazan, Mushtari str., 11; ]

Abstract. The increasing prevalence of eating disorders reveals the problem of fragmentation and inconsistency of nutritional knowledge as well as makes actual the need to systematize the knowledge about the eating behavior. This paper presents the methods and results of the analysis of eating behavior regarding the biological, social and spiritual components. The main motivations of eating behavior and their interrelation have been discovered. Conflicts of interest in nutrition and principles of their psychotherapeutic correction are reflected in the given article.

Key words: eating behavior, the biopsychosocial structure of a human, the analysis of food demands and motivations, correction of nutritional disorders.


Dietary supplement «Tinrostim» impact assessment on immunological reactivity at students of the first year

Svetlana N. Beniova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, chief of international diseases department, School of Biomedicine, FSAEI HPE «Far Eastern Federal University»

Pavel F. Kiku, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, chief of public health and preventive medicine, School of Biomedicine, FSAEI HPE «Far Eastern Federal University» [690950 Vladivostok, Sukhanova str., 8; ]

Marina V. Yarygina, PhD, Associate Professor of public health and preventive medicine, School of Biomedicine, FSAEI HPE «Far Eastern Federal University»

Natalia S. Shiter, Postgraduate of public health and preventive medicine department, School of Biomedicine, FSAEI HPE «Far Eastern Federal University»

Natalia V. Rudenko, Postgraduate of public health and preventive medicine department, School of Biomedicine, FSAEI HPE «Far Eastern Federal University»

Svetlana V. Gamova, Postgraduate of public health and preventive medicine department, School of Biomedicine, FSAEI HPE «Far Eastern Federal University»

Abstract. The estimation of influence of dietary supplement «Tinrostim» as the peptide of the optic ganglia of commercial squid species for the dynamics’ indicators of immunological reactivity in the process of adaptation of students of the first year has been made. The objective of the work was to identify the patterns of physiological responses of the second year students of the School of Biomedicine atfer the use of dietary supplements «Tinrostim-C», «Tinrostim ST+» as products containing polypeptides. The use of Tinrostim had a positive impact on the quantitative and qualitative composition of peripheral blood at students on the background of standard course of drug with increase in the absolute number of leukocytes on 10,8–17,3%, lymphocytes on 18,8%. The capacity of Tinrostim to stimulate the functional activity and the absorption capacity of phagocytic blood cells of volunteers with the increase in phagocytic index on 16,7—25,3%, in phagocytic number, on 7,14—28,0%, in stimulated NBT test on 7,3—17,9%. A significant increase in the number of CD3+, CD4+, CD3+HLA-DR+cells under dynamic observation of the subpopulation composition of lymphocytes in the peripheral blood of volunteers after ingestion of Tinrostim was found. More pronounced immunostimulatory effect has been obtained in individuals with baseline decline in innate and adaptive cellular immunity. The positive dynamics of individual immunograms says about immunostimulating, influence correcting of dietary supplements «Tinrostim» in the adaptation process of students.

Key words: Tinrostim, dietary supplements, adaptive immunity, phagocytic link, indicators of immunological indexes.


Assessment of health status of employees of educational institutions according to the results of periodic preventive examinations

Tatiana N. Vorotilina, Head physician of SAHI «Municipal polyclinic № 1» of Kazan [420073 Kazan, Kirpichnaya str., 7]

Valeriy P. Prokop’ev, Associate Professor of public health, economics and healthcare management sub-faculty of SBEI HPE «Kazan State Medical Academy» [420012 Kazan, Mushtari str., 11]

Farid M. Valitov, Doctor-statistician of SAHI «Municipal polyclinic № 1» of Kazan [420073 Kazan, Kirpichnaya str., 7; ]

Gulmira I. Bakhareva, Deputy head physician in medical unit of SAHI «Municipal polyclinic № 1» of Kazan [420073 Kazan, Kirpichnaya str., 7]

Dilyara N. Salyakhova, Deputy head physician in organizational and methodical work of SAHI «Municipal polyclinic № 1» of Kazan [420073 Kazan, Kirpichnaya str., 7]

Guzel R. Khasanova, Doctor-statistician of SAHI «Municipal polyclinic № 1» of Kazan [420073 Kazan, Kirpichnaya str., 7]

Abstract. Problems of early detection and prevention of chronic non-infection diseases are main public health problems in Russia. The assessment of the health status of workers of educational institutions according to the parameters of chronic diseases was carried out using the results of mandatory periodic preventive examinations. The results of the study allow to obtain sufficiently accurate information on the health status of this group of the working population. For example, the gynecological pathology is revealed almost at 53% of all examined female.

Key words: preventive examinations, chronic non-infectious diseases, prophylactic medical examination, psychosomatic pathology.


The measures for decrease of the infant mortality rate

Marina G. Moskvicheva, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Vice-Rector for additional vocational training and interaction with educational and production bases, chief of public health and health care department of additional professional education faculty of SBEI HPE «South Ural State Medical University» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation [454092 Chelyabinsk,Vorovsky str., 64]

Victoriya V. Sakharova, PhD (Medicine), Deputy Health Minister of Chelyabinsk region [454000 Chelyabinsk, Kirov str., 165]

Lyudmila V. Podlubnaya, The head of medical assistance organization for children and mothers department of Health Ministry of Chelyabinsk region [454000 Chelyabinsk, Kirov str., 165]

Yuriy A. Semenov, PhD (Medicine), The head physician of the SBHI «Regional Perinatal Center», chief gynecologist of Health Ministry of Chelyabinsk Region [454091 Chelyabinsk, Timiryazev str.,17]

Abstract. The infant mortality rate in the Chelyabinsk region had no downward trend and exceeded the indicators of the Russian Federation, the Ural Federal District and its own indicative roadmap over the past years. The region had the task of reducing the infant mortality rate in the shortest period of time in the absence of the modern perinatal center. Three main point of application were selected and three blocks of activities were formed according to analysis of infant mortality causes and structure defects of medical care. The decrease of infant mortality rates by 16,7% — from 8,4 in 2013 to 7,0 in 2014 per 1 000 live births became the results of the work.

Key words: infant mortality, three levels of, prenatal consultation, routing.


Position’s organization by antihypertensive drugs according to federal program in Ta Ta tarstan Republic

Farida F. Yarkaeva, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Science, Assistant Professor of pharmacy advanced training and professional development sub-faculty of SBEI HPE «Kazan State Medical University» of Health Ministry of Russia, Deputy Minister of Tatarstan Republic Healthcare [420043 Kazan, Vishnevsky str., 59; ]

Marat F. Bariev, Post-graduate student of pharmacy advanced training and professional development sub-faculty of SBEI HPE «Kazan State Medical University» of Health Ministry of Russia, Senior Consultant of drug supply management of Pharmacy Office of Health Ministry of the Republic of Tatarstan [420043 Kazan, Vishnevsky str., 59; ]

Abstract. Analysis of statistical data in the Republic of Tatarstan indicates the increase in the prevalence and incidence of hypertension, which is the major cause of mortality from diseases of the circulatory system. Now the timely medicines’ provision of patients classified as federal «beneficiaries», suffering from hypertension, is carried out in the framework of the provision by necessary medicines in Tatarstan Republic. The optimization of measures for the organization of public procurement as an example of antihypertensive drugs in the framework of targeted programs requires more detailed consideration despite of numerous studies in the sphere of increasing the availability of medical care’s provision.

Key words: hypertension, drug assistance, government procurement, antihypertensive drugs.


Analysis of the Nizhny Novgorod pharmaceutical market of analgesics and antipyretics otc for children

Irina V. Gammel, Doctor of Pharmacy, Professor of Pharmacy Management and Economics and Pharmaceutical Technology sub-faculty, SBEI HPE «Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy» [603005 Nizhny Novgorod, Minin and Pozharsky sq., 10/1; ]

Elena V. Anoshkina, Assistent of Pharmacy Management and Economics and Pharmaceutical Technology sub-faculty, SBEI HPE «Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy» [603005 Nizhny Novgorod, Minin and Pozharsky sq., 10/1; ]

Alexander L. Khlapov, Сandidate of Medical Sciences, head of legal and personnel work department of Health Ministry of Nizhny Novgorod region [ ]

Abstract. Analgesics and antipyretics OTC are characterized by better safety profile for the child. The purpose of this work was the marketing study of Nizhny Novgorod pharmaceutical retail market of analgesic and antipyretic drugs (D), improving pharmaceutical counseling in pediatrics. We used marketing quantitative methods of primary data collecting: retail-audit and survey. The structure of the range of brand names and dosage forms has been found. A rating of implementation and determined leader in volume and value terms has been done. The main share falls on the implementation of D mainstream segment, marked by the implementation of seasonal peak in autumn and winter. Recommendations for choosing analgesics and antipyretics D, depending on the age of the child have been developed on the base of pharmacists' survey.

Key words: analgesics, antipyretics, the range of trade names and dosage forms, marketing research.


Essay on the history of the Medical Fa Fa culty of Ka zan University (1805—1930): scholarly traditions

Vladimir V. Astaf’ev, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, historiography and source studies department, Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental studies of FSAEI HPE «Kazan (Volga region) Federal University» [420021 Kazan, Levo-Bulachnaya str., 44; ]

Ildus G. Nizamov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of public health, economics and health care management department of SBEI HPE «Kazan State Medical Academy» [420012 Kazan, Mushtari str., 11]

Renad I. Zhdanov, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Honorary Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, chief research fellow, biochemistry and biotechnology department, Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology, FSAEI HPE «Kazan (Volga region) Federal University» [420008 Kazan, Kremlevskaya str., 18; ]

Abstract. The paper represents an essay of the history of medical sciences and education at the Branch of Medical Sciences (est. 1805) of Kazan University which appeared to be one of the best Medical schools in the Russian Empire. It highlights the major milestones in the development of the Faculty and its Departments in the XIX and XX centuries: anatomy, histology and neurohistology, physiology, surgery, ophthalmology, nervous diseases, psychiatry, therapy, medical chemistry and biochemistry. History of the discovery of the Kazan University schools of physiologists, anatomists, surgeons, neurohistologists, ophthalmologists, psychiatricians and neuropathologists, medicinal chemistry and biochemistry, and their outstanding representatives.

Key words: Kazan University, Faculty of Medicine, medical schools, medical education.


Multifactorial analysis and mathematical modeling in public health management

Andrey М. Allenov, Cand. Med. Sci., Associate Professor, High School of Health Care Management of Sechenov Moscow Medical University №1 [109004 Moscow, Solzhenitsyn str., 28; ]

Sergey A. Nikiforov, Doct. Med. Sci., Professor, High School of Health Care Management of Sechenov Moscow Medical University №1 [109004 Moscow, Solzhenitsyn str., 28; ]

Andrey V. Belostotsky, Doct. Med. Sci., Director of SI «Directorate for coordinating the activities of health care institutions of Moscow Health Care Department» [115280 Moscow, 2nd Avtozavodsky passage, 3; ]

Vladimir S. Kazantsev, Сandidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Scientist, SBEI HPE «Ural Science-Practical Center of Medical-Social and Economic Problems of Health Care» [620075 Ekaterinburg, 8-B K.Libknecht str., ]

Vladimir G. Vinokurov, Cand.Med. Sci., Associate Professor, High School of Health Care Management of Sechenov Moscow Medical University № 1 [109004 Moscow, Solzhenitsyn str., 28; ]

Abstract. The article shows the results of application of multifactorial analysis’ methods and mathematical modeling for the purposes of public health management. It was estimated that variations in the levels of general mortality rate in different subjects of Russian Federation are formed under the influence of a complex of demographic, socio-economic and medico-social factors. Significant role belongs to resources’ and particularly personnel provision of regional health care systems. The application of mathematical modeling helped to make the assessment and evaluation of potential efficiency of various managerial scenarios.

Key words: health management, multifactorial analysis, mathematical modeling.


Disease prevention and healthy lifestyle promotion

Tatyana G. Bogdanova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, First Deputy Minister of Health Care and Social Development of the Chuvash Republic, Associate Professor of Management and Economics of Health Care of the Medical Faculty of the FSBEI HPE «I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University» [428020 Сheboksary, Pirogov str.,5; ]

Abstract. According to the official medical statistics, there is an increase in socially significant diseases and disability in Russia. Therefore, the Russian Federation is concentrated on the programmes aimed at health promotion and prevention, diagnostics, therapy, and education of the population. The article analyzes the work of executive authorities of the Chuvash Republic (ChR) introducing the programmes of diseases’ prevention and healthy lifestyle (HLS) promotion for the population in the Republic. The following has been dwelled upon in the article: reducing of tobacco and alcohol consumption, promoting healthy nutrition, increasing of physical activity and the primary prevention of non-communicable diseases. Preventive work involves various public organizations, volunteers, vips and most importantly — the population of the republic. More than 500 mass preventive events, attended by more than 280 thousand people have been held in 2014.

Key words: healthy lifestyle, disease prevention, control of tobacco consumption, reduction of alcohol consumption, healthy nutrition, physical activity, medical prevention.