Nizamov l.G., Zyiatdinov K.Sh., Sadykova T.I., Prokop’ev V.P. To the history of Zemsky health care in Kazan province (to the 150th anniversary of zemstvo medicine in Russia, 1864—2014)...................5
Perepelkina N.Ju., Bizmenov I.M. The medico-social status and lifestyle among patients with lower limbs varicose vein disease living in Orenburg region .................................................................10
Kurbanova N.A. Perinatal losses and pathology associated with comorbidity in pregnant women............................................12
Polunina N.V., Oprishchenko D.S., Polunin V.S., Karakaeva E.B., Maslova D.V. Social health aspects of teaching staff’s health and the ways of health improvment......................................................17
Fomin E.P., Chirkov V.A. Evaluation of organization and quality of outpatient care to working-age population........................22
Sabaev A.V., Goleva O.P. The analysis of the payment system of medical care in hospital settings with single form of financing according to acute poisoning center’s data of Оmsk city.............26
Spiridonov V.A., Ioganson E.V. Implication of medical documents in forensic medical examinations......................................31
Anokhina A.V., Khabibullina L.F. Incidence and structure of dentomaxillary anomalies in children of 9—12 years old (after the results of examinations of schoolchildren in Kazan)...........................34
Jabbarov Sh.M., Agaeva K.F. Preterminal chronic renal insufficiency’s duration as criterion for probable evaluation of risk factors..............................................................................................................37
Shaimieva N.I., Nikoshina Ju.L., Nurtdinova T.A. Future development of oral health services in Tatarstan Republic ...........40
Smirnov A.O., Ziatdinov A.I., Zakirov I.R. Organization of ambulatory medicine to the participants of XXVII World Summer Universiade....................................................................................................45
Khusnutdinova D.K., Gainutdinov A.R. The possibility of quantitative evaluation of reflex excitability of the brain stem in patients with cervicogenic headache...............................................................................49
Chadova E.A., Kazantsev V.S., Soloviev R.V., Khafisov B.K. Impact assessement of telemedicine technologies’ implementation on mortality rate among patients with acute cerebrovascular disordes.........................................................52
Basova L.A., Krasil’nikov S.V., Martynova N.A., Kalinin A.G. Application of software module in the activities of surgery unit.........................................................................................................57
Andreeva O.V., Saitgareeva A.A., Volkova O.A. Public-private partnership in healthcare.......................................................61
Gerasimova L.I., Yakovleva L.M., Tsareva A.V., Denisova T.G. The program’s results of blood services’ development in Russian Federation and in Chuvash Republic ...........................................................69
Kononova I.V., Perepelkina N.Ju. The results of study of health related life quality among elderly on hospital treatment.......74
Levanchuk A.V. System development of social-hygienic monitoring in the territory with developed automobile-road complex................................................................................................................78
To the history of Zemsky health care in Kazan province (to the 150th anniversary of zemstvo medicine in Russia, 1864—2014)
Ildus G. Nizamov, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor of public health, economics and health care management department of SBEI APE «Kazan State Medical Academy»
Kamil’ Sh. Zyiatdinov, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Rector of SBEI APE «Kazan State Medical Academy»
Tamara I. Sadykova, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Head of public health, economics and health care management department of SBEI APE «Kazan State Medical Academy» of Russia Health Ministry [420012 Kazan, Mushtari str., 11;
Valery P. Prokop’ev, Candidate of Medical Science, Assistant Professor of public health, economics and health care management department of SBEI APE «Kazan State Medical Academy» of Russia Health Ministry
Abstract. Historical analysis of the origin of zemstvo medicine in Russia and Kazan province has been presented. The characteristic of organizational peculiarities of zemstvo medicine, strategies of development in conditions of Kazan province with regard to its very strong methodological framework has been given. The positive aspects of the development of zemstvo medicine, as well as the potentials for fundamental changes in the field of local self-government in Russia have been described.
Key words: zemstvo medicine, Kazan province, health care, rural population.
The medico-social status and lifestyle among patients with lower limbs varicose vein disease living in Orenburg region
Natalia Ju. Perepelkina, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, head of public health and healthcare department № 2 of SBEI HPE «Orenburg State Medical Academy» of Russia Health Ministry [460000 Orenburg, Sovetskaia str., 6;
Ivan M. Bizmenov, Full-time Postgraduate student of public health and health care department №2 of SBEI HPE «Orenburg State Medical Academy» of Russia Health Ministry
Abstract. The article gives the study’s results of medico-social status and lifestyle in patients with lower limbs varicose vein disease. The anonymous survey of 300 patients was performed. They all live in Orenburg region and were treated stationary for varicose disease. The average age of respondents was 56,4 years old, most of them had specialized secondary education. The majority of respondents had the low level of material wealth and decent living conditions. Most of respondents had varicose disease more than 5 years. Herewith, they were badly informed about risk factors, prophylaxis, diagnostics & treatment of lower limbs varicose vein disease.
Perinatal losses and pathologY associated with comorbidity in pregnant women
Nailya A. Kurbanova, Laboratory assistant of obstetrics and gynecology department of Azerbaijan State A.Aliev Physicians’ Continuing Education Institute [AZ1012 Baku, Tbilisi Av., Ap.3165; а
Abstract. The goal of the study was to show the probability of risk change of perinatal losses and pathologies at pregnancies associated with various variants of comorbidity. The results of complex examinations of 3850 pregnant women by obstetricians, gynecologists, therapists, dentists and others have been used. Patients have been classified by groups according to the chronic diseases and comorbidity. The risk of perinatal losses and pathologies has been studied at different variants of comorbidity. Perinatal losses and pathologies are often observed at pregnancies associated with anemia, chronic diseases of organs and systems. Anemia has been detected in (18,1±0,62)% of pregnant women, chronic pathologies – in (43,3±0,8)% of pregnant women. From there, comorbidity at pregnant women is the factor of the increased risk of perinatal losses and pathologies.
Key words: perinatal losses and pathologies of comorbidity, pregnancy.
Social health aspects of teaching staff’s health and the wayS of health improvment
Natalia V. Polunina, Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor of public health and health care, health care management department of SBEI HPE Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of Russia Health Ministry
Denis S. Oprishchenko, Сandidate of Medical Science, Associate Professor of public health and health care, health care management department of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University [117997 Moscow, Ostrovitianov str., 1;
Valery S. Polunin, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor of public health and health care, health care management department of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of Russia Health Ministry
El'za B. Karakaeva, assistant of public health, health care and health care management department of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
Dar’ia V. Maslova, assistant of public health, health care and health care management department of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
Abstract. The article presents data from the study of morbidity rate, professional and medical activity of teachers in secondary schools. The results of the study indicate that the morbidity rate of examined teachers is 3,2 times higher than the level of morbidity with temporary disability. 40,7% of teachers suffer from chronic diseases. The first place in the structure of morbidity belongs to respiratory diseases, predominantly to acute respiratory infections, laryngitis and laryngotracheitis. The analysis of skills’ types and medical activity made possible to determine the risk factors and the health effect of the examined group. Implementation of health saving programmes for the correction of negative factors and for the formation of healthy lifestyle, contributes the mend of the teachers’ health.
Key words: teacher, disease, medical activity, professional factors.
Evaluation of organization and quality of outpatient care to working-age population
Evgeny P. Fomin, Candidate of Medical Science, FSBHI «Central Medical Unit № 71» Russia FBA [Chelyabinsk Region, Ozersk, Stroitelnaya str., 1]
Vitaly A. Chirkov, Candidate of Medical Science, SBHI «City polyclinic № 188 of Healthcare Department of Moscow» [Moscow, Dubninskaya str., 40, bld. 2;
Abstract. The evaluation’s results of organization and health care quality to the population of working age, provided in outpatient clinics of administrative-territorial entity during 2008—2012 have been presented. 316 outpatients’ cards have been studied by the method of expert analysis using special questionnaire. Among studied patients there were men (55,3%) in the age of 40—49 years old (49,4%), the average age of respondents was 39,4±4,2 years old. Processing of the results has been performed in accordance with the existing methodology for the organization and carrying out of complex social-hygienic studies. The fact of high level of integrated index of medical care quality (0,87±0,04 points) has been established. At the same time there are resources for its increase because there are preventable infractions like the total absence of necessary prescriptions in ambulatory medical records (34,5% of cases), overdiagnosis (62%). Only 37,3% from the total need receive the sanatorium-and-spa treatment; preventive services are not undertaken in some cases and they do not meet the demands of approved standards; the dynamic assessment of the treatment allocation’s effectiveness isn’t made. As result, the predicted outcome of the treatment is achieved only in 42,4% of cases.
Key words: organization, medical care quality, rehabilitation, prevention.
The analysis of the payment system of medical care in hospital settings with single form of financing according to acute poisoning center’s data of Оmsk city
Alexander V. Sabaev, Candidate of Medical Science, head of acute exposure department (in psychiatric patients) of Budget Healthcare Institution of Omsk region «Municipal Clinical Emergency Hospital № 1» [644112 Omsk, Pereleta str., 9;
Olga P. Goleva, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, head of public health and healthcare department of State Budget Educational Institution of High Professional Education «Omsk State Medical Academy» of Health Ministry of Russian Federation [644043 Omsk, Lenin str., 12;
Abstract. Analysis of the average treatment’s length of people injured from various forms of nosologic groups of acute chemical poisoning and the cost of treatment over the long term will help to assess and predict the financial component of the specialized structural units of the emergency hospital. Fixed payment for definite cases in acute poisoning corresponds the standard of the treatment of moderate forms of poisoning by drugs and technical poisons, severe forms of poisoning by drugs, medicines and psychoactive substances, all forms of poisoning by caustic poisons. Treatment’s cost of acute poisoning of bland form is below the fixed tariff. Payment of definite case with moderate nosologic forms, except the acute drug poisoning and poisoning by technical poisons, is also below the tariff agreement. In severe forms of poisoning by drugs, caustic poisons, noxious fumes and gas, pesticides, the duration of treatment significantly exceeds hospitalization’s duration according to the agreement, and as the result, the cost of the definite case of hospitalizations exceeds the standard.
Key words: treatment’s payment of definite cases, the average time of hospital stay.
Implication of medical documents in forensic medical examinations
Valery A. Spiridonov, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, head of forensic pathology sub-faculty of SBEI HPE «Kazan State Medical University» of Health Ministry of Russia; deputy chief for expert work of «Republican Bureau of forensic medical examination» [420029 Kazan, Siberian Route 31a, tel.: (843) 273-91-45]
Elena V. Ioganson, Senior lecturer of criminal proceeding sub-faculty of PEI HPE «Social Education Academy» [420039 Kazan, Isaev str., 12 , tel.: (843) 555-61-82], legal physician of SAHI «Republican Bureau of forensic medical examination» of Tatarstan Republic Health Ministry
Abstract. Medical records are the main source of information about the patient’s state of health. They take on a special importance in the investigation of criminal and civil cases touching on human health. Doctor, describing case-record, should remember that each medical document can be the source of validation in forming of decision by the forensic medical expert. Only properly completed documents will protect the doctor in case of litigation.
Key words: forensic medical examination, medical records, expert opinion.
Incidence and structure of dentomaxillary anomalies in children of 9—12 years old (after the results of examinations of schoolchildren in Kazan)
Antonina V. Anokhina, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Head of therapeutic, children’s stomatology and orthodontics chair of SBEI APE «Kazan State Medical Academy» [420012 Kazan, Butlerov str., 16; (843) 236-67-48]
Lilia F. Khabibullina, assistant of therapeutic, children’s stomatology and orthodontics chair of SBEI APE «Kazan State Medical Academy» of Health Ministry of Russia
Abstract. The state of dentomaxillary system (DMS) in 820 schoolchildren of 9—12 years old in Kazan has been studied. The orthognathic occlusion corresponding to the age norm is revealed in 255 children of this age (31,1 from 100). Orthodontic pathology is revealed in 41,22±1,72 from 100 examined (338 people) . The group of persons with neutral occlusion and various combinations of tooth and denture anomalies has constituted 130 persons (15,85±1,27%); group with distoclusion and DMA — 187 persons (22,8±1,46 from 100). Group with mesial occlusion has constituted 21 persons or 2,56±0,55 from 100 examined people. Intensity value of multisystem pathology in persons with dentomaxillary anomalies has constituted 1,60, that is to say that 338 pupils have 540 morphological disorders. Despite of high incidence of DMA, especially combined with distocclusion, only 12 schoolchildren from 100 take the orthodontic treatment. A half from emergency cases doesn’t consider the necessity to address to the orthodontist. In structure of causes of renouncing from visit to the orthodontist there is the anxiety of treatment’s lenght. Data on frequency and structure of DMA in children of 9—12 years old determines the need of improvement of orthodontic methods of treatment by the equipment adapted for growing patients.
Preterminal chronic renal insufficiency’s duration as criterion for probable evaluation of risk factors
Shadoglan M. Jabbarov, assistant of nephrology sub-faculty of Azerbaijan A. Aliyev State Physicians’ Continuing Education Institute
Kamalia F. Agaeva, Candidate of Medical Science, assistant of social hygiene and healthcare organization sub-faculty of Azerbaijan A. Aliyev State Physicians’ Continuing Education Institute [AZ1012, Baku, Tbilisi Ave., Ap.3165; а
Abstract. Kaplan—Meier instantaneous method (worked out for the patients’ survival analysis) for calculation of new criterion — capacity for the patients’ survival in the conditions of preterminal chronic renal insufficiency (CRI) has been modified. 102,5; 112,5; 122,5; 132,5; 142,5; 152,5; 162,5; 172,5; 182,5; 192,5; 202,5; 212,5; 222,5; 232,5; 242,5 monthly capacity of the patient’s survival in the conditions of preterminal CRI has been determined and has constituted: (98,0±1,1); (92,8±1,8); (85,6±2,1); (75,9±2,4); (62,8±2,7); (51,0±2,5); (39,9±2,4); (30,7±2,1); (22,9±1,9); (17,0±1,6); (11,8±1,5); (7,9±1,3); (4,6±1,1); (1,9±0,6)%. Characteristic rate changes severely in dependence on prime cause of CRI, the patient’s sex, adequateness of medical service, social habits (smoking) and the presence of disorders (co morbidity index).
Key words: capacity for survival, chronic renal insufficiency, risk factors.
Future development of oral health services in Tatarstan Republic
Nailia I. Shaimieva, Ph.D, Associate Professor, chief of orthopedic stomatology and general dentistry sub-faculty of SBEI APE «Kazan State Medical Academy» [420012 Кazan, Butlerov str., 16;
Julia L. Nikoshina, Deputy Head Physician in organizational and methodological work of SAHI «Republican Stomatology Policlinic» of TR Health Ministry [420012 Кazan, Butlerov str., 16]
Tat’iana A. Nurtdinova, Deputy Head Physician for medical care of SAHI «Republican Stomatology Policlinic» of TR Health Ministry
Abstract. This study is dedicated to implementation’s efficiency of new forms of oncoscreening and WHO methods in Tatarstan people with the use of chemiluminescence technique during dental examination. The oral cavity cancer morbidity data were obtained (51,4 for 100 000 people) in risk-group of 35—44, 60 years old and older, which are 10 times higher than the average regional prevalence (5,23) among all ages. Using the multidisciplinary approaches and provision of finance from the programme on State Guarantees of TR for early cancer diagnostic of visual localization allows managing efficiently the rates of undermaintenance and mortality in the region. This experience will be the basis for the method’s replication in Russian Federation.
Key words: efficiency of preventive measures, morbidity rate and undermaintenance of oral cavity cancer of visual localization, chemiluminescence technique.
Organization of ambulatory medicine to the participants of XXVII World Summer Universiade
Aleksei O. Smirnov, Candidate of Medical Science, senior manager of health, sanitary and anti-doping services of ANO «Executive directorate for sports projects» [420010 Kazan, Universiade Village, 35, MIC;
Airat I. Ziatdinov, Head Physician of SAHI «Municipal Clinic №4 «Student» [420048 Kazan, Orenburgsky tract, 95]
Ildar R. Zakirov, Deputy head physician of SAHI «Municipal Clinic №4 «Student»
Abstract. The article presents the experience of SAHI “Municipal Students’ clinic №4«Student» (Universiade Village Medical Center) in medical assistance of participants of the XXVII World Summer Universiade 2013 in Kazan. This medical institution located in the international zone of Universiade Village, provided the ambulatory medicine to the accredited party during Universiade. There were registered 4 399 medical treated cases in medical center. 535 X-ray examinations, 236 ultrasound examinations, 531 laboratory analysis and 5 087 physiotherapeutic manipulations have been conducted. The experience of health care rendering in multidisciplinary international sports’ events will be used during the organization of ambulatory medicine during upcoming sports events.
Key words: medical care, XXVII World Summer Universiade 2013 in Kazan, ambulatory.
The possibility of quantitative evaluation of reflex excitability of the brain stem in patients with cervicogenic headache
Diliara K. Khusnutdinova, Postgraduate of neurology, reflexotherapy and osteopathy sub-faculty of SBEI APE «Kazan State Medical Academy» of Health Ministry of Russia, neurologist of SAHI «Republican Clinical Hospital №2»
Al’fred R. Gainutdinov, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor of neurology, reflexotherapy and osteopathy sub-faculty of SBEI APE «Kazan State Medical Academy» of Health Ministry of Russia [420012 Kazan, Volkov str., 18; а
Abstract. The data of clinical-functional assessment of features of cephalgia and polysynaptic reflex excitability of the brain stem in 65 patients with cervicogenic headache (CGH) have been presented. Application of correlation analysis in the group with CGH has allowed to establish the direct links between the length of R2 component of the blink reflex (MR) and the frequency of headache (r = 0,69; p <0,01), the intensity of headache (r = 0,7; p<0.01) and duration (r = 0,58; p<0,01). Hyperreflex variant of polysynaptic excitability of the brain stem was characterized to the patients with CGB; this fact can indicate disorder of inhibitory processes and functional deficits of antinociceptive system.
Impact assessement of telemedicine technologies’ implementation on mortality rate among patients with acute cerebrovascular disordes
Еlena А. Chadova, Deputy Minister, Health Ministry of Sverdlovsk region [620014 Еkaterinburg, Vainer str., 34-B]
Vladimir S. Kazantsev, cand. techn. sci., leading scientific member of SBEI APE «Uralsky Scientific-Practical Centre of Medical, social and economic problems of health care system» [620079 Еkaterinburg, Karl Liebknecht str., 8-B;
Robert V. Soloviev, Head Physician of SBHI «Municipal hospital № 3» [623406 Kamensk-Uralsky, Kamenskaya str., 8-A]
Boris К. Khafisov, Head Physician of SBHI «Central Municipal Hospital» [623850 Irbit, Komsomolskaya str.,72]
Abstract. The article presents the impact assessement’s results of implementation of neuroreanimational robotic telemedicine counseling on mortality rate of patients with brain stroke in Sverdlovsk oblast. Using the mathematical methods and multivariative analysis it was established that among the complex of factors determining the risk of fatal outcome, along with the severity of patient’s condition, the important role is devoted to telemedicine counseling during the prime disease and completeness of recommendations’ realization given by the clinicians of regional vessel centre.
Application of software module in the activities of surgery unit
Ludmila A. Basova, Сandidate of Medical Science, Associate Professor, chief of human anatomy sub-faculty of Northern State Medical University[163061 Arkhangelsk, Troitsky av., 51,
] Sergey V. Krasil’nikov, Head Physician of E.E.Volosevich Municipal Emergency Clinical Hospital № 1 [163061 Arkhangelsk, Suvorov str., 2]
Natalia A. Martynova, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, chief of operative surgery and topographic anatomy sub-faculty of Northern State Medical University
Alexey G. Kalinin, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor of public health and healthcare sub-faculty of Northern State Medical University
Abstract. This article describes the algorithm of software module’s development for the daily activities of the surgery unit in the municipal health care institution. The diversified information can be used by the hospital managerial staff for making reporting forms about staff members, the presence or absence of expendable materials, as well as information about the medical equipment status.
Key words: information technology, software module, the surgery unit, the database, program window.
Public-private partnership in healthcare
Olga V. Andreeva, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Director of SBI «Scientific Research Institute of Healthcare Organization and Medikal Management of Moscow Healthcare Department»
Alfia A. Saitgareeva, Candidate of Medical Science, Deputy Director for Science of SBI «Scientific Research Institute of Healthcare Organization and Medikal Management of Moscow Healthcare Department»
Oxana A. Volkova, Principal Scientist of Department of audit methodology of healthcare institutions’ effectiveness of SBI «Scientific Research Institute of Healthcare Organization and Medikal Management of Moscow Healthcare Department» [129010 Moscow, B. Suharevskaya pl.,.5/1, bld. 1;
Abstract. The main purpose of this article is the observation of application of the private capital formation’s mechanisms into the renovation of the healthcare infrastructure or the public-private partnership (hereinafter — PPP) at the present stage of Russian economy development. Scoping of PPP realization in the different aspects of the infrastructure complex using the example of Western countries with the accent to the mechanisms’ using in health sphere has been presented. The positive results of the participation of the private capital in Russian healthcare system have been demonstrated.
The program’s results of blood services’ development in Russian Federation and in Chuvash Republic
Ludmila I. Gerasimova, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Rector, Head of public health and healthcare department of Chuvashia AI «Physicians’ Continuing Education Institute» of Healthcare and Social Development Ministry of Chuvashia [428032 Cheboksary, Krasnaya sq., 3]
Lyubov M. Yakovleva, Candidate of Medical Science, Head Physician of BI “Republican Blood Transfusion Station» of Health Care and Social Ministry of Chuvashia, main outstaff specialist transfusiologist of Healthcare and Social Ministry of Chuvashia
Alevtina V. Tsareva, head of the department of donors manning, an expert in transfusion of the Health Care and Social Ministry of Chuvashia [428000 Cheboksary, Pirogov str., 9]
Tamara G. Denisova, Doctor of Medical Science, Pro-Rector for Research of Chuvashia AI «Physicians’ Continuing Education Institute» of Healthcare and Social Development of Ministry of Chuvashia, Professor of gynecology and obstetrics sub-faculty of FSBEI HPE «Ulyanov Chuvash State University» [428032 Cheboksary, Krasnaya sq., 3;
Abstract. The objectives of the blood service are targeted at improving the quality and efficiency of therapeutic process. Donated blood is limited national resource. The article presents the activities’ results of the blood service in Chuvash Republic concerning management of donation, preparation, providing safety of donated blood and its components within the term of blood services’ development program in Russian Federation. The article presents the information concerning the number and structure of the donors’ blood groups, Rh factor and the age. The indexes of volume of the blood components’ banking including packet red blood cells, fresh frozen plasma and thromboconcentrate, using the automatic plasma-cytapheresis method have been given. The analysis of detection’s frequency of blood-borne infections markers in donors has been made. The named actions gave the possibility to prepare and to use the blood components in Chuvash Republic up to world standards. The main directions for improvement of the blood service in Chuvash Republic have been determined.
Key words: blood service, blood components’ banking, plasma-cytapheresis, donation, the program of blood services’ development.
The results of study of health related life quality among elderly on hospital treatment
Irina V. Kononova, Extra-mural postgraduate of public health and healthcare sub-faculty № 2 of SBEI HPE «Orenburg State Medical Academy» of Health Ministry of Russia
Nataliya Ju. Perepelkina, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, chief of public health and healthcare sub-faculty № 2 of SBEI HPE «Orenburg State Medical Academy» of Health Ministry of Russia [460000 Orenburg, Sovetskaia str., 6;
Abstract. The article gives the results of study of health related life quality (LQ) among elderly, who were hospitalized in the state healthcare institution. We used MOS SF-36 inquirer among 845 respondents of 60 years old and older during the LQ study. We found out the authoritative loss in life quality with increase of life time. We saw significant gender differences before 85 years old. We fixed high pain level among women between 60 & 84 years old and high level of emotional general mechanisms among men between 60 & 74 years old.
Key words: life quality, elderly.
System development of social-hygienic monitoring in the territory with developed automobile-road complex
Alexander V. Levanchuk, Candidate of Medical Science, Associate Professor of technosphere and environmental safety sub-faculty of FSBEI HPE «Imperator Alexander I Petersburg State Railway Engineering University» [190031 Saint Petersburg, Moskovsky av., 9;
Abstract. Analysis of outside air in the districts with different vehicle density and morbidity rate at children has allowed to establish the prevalence dependency of ecological diseases from air pollution by metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). Special measures are recommended for system development of social and hygienic monitoring. These are: creation of environment quality control system; working out of calculation methods to determine the quantity of pollutants in the environment during maintenance of automobile-road complex; working out of mathematical models for health evaluation of the population.