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Education and personnel

Gilmanov A.A. The 90th anniversary of the department of public health and healthcare organization with medical informatics of Kazan State Medical University..........................................................................................................................5

Kucherenko V.Z., Ekkert N.V. Basic directions of the perfection of medical personnel training.................................................11

Reshetnikov V.A., Skvirskaya G.P., Timina E.I. Problems of training of healthcare management specialists..........................16

Strelkov N.S., Ezhova N.N., Popova N.M. Teaching experience of discipline «Public health and healthcare» based on integration with medical institutions.........................................................................................................................21

Sharafutdinova N.Kh., Pavlova M.Y., Kireeva E.F. Ensuring quality teaching of health economics in department of public health and healthcare organization with IPO-Course of Bashkir State Medical University.......................................22

Khuzikhanov F.V. Some pedagogical approaches in teaching the subject: «Public health and healthcare organization» in medical university...................24

Shulmin A.V., Dobretsova E.A., Arshukova I.L. Teaching experience of principles evidence-based medicine as a basis for «Public health and healthcare» discipline learning...............................27

Gilmanov A.A., Sherputovskiy V.G., Khisamutdinov A.N., Akhmetzianova G.Z., Nurmieva A.A., Iskandarov I.R., Ivanov D.A. Teaching of medical informatics in Kazan State Medical University.........................29

Amirov N.Kh., Berkheeva Z.M. Experience of introduction of innovative educational technologies in system of preparation of doctors of occupational medicine ................................................................................................................32

Ellansky Y.G., Fisenko V.L., Khudonogov I.Y., Osadchuk O.A. Tasks of the socio-hygienic departments in working out and implementation of modern strategy of development of healthcare’s services ..................34

Albitskiy V.Yu., Ivanova A.A., Ustinova N.V. Teaching features of social pediatrics in pre- and postgraduate educational levels in medical universities of Russia .....................................................................................................................36

Sabanov V.I., Gribina L.N., Dyachenko T.S., Popova E.G. Professional educational training on discipline «Public health and healthcare» during the realization of Federal State Educational Standard of third generation.....39

Gorbunov V.I., Voszhennikova G.V., Isaeva I.N. The clinical aspect in the work of the department of public health and healthcare......................40

Satenova G.A., Kaldybayev K.K., Ermukhanova L.S., Kusherbaeva A.S. Problems of absence of demand of nursing «bachelor» in the Republic of Kazakhstan......................................................................................................................43

Nizamov I.G., Zyyatdinov K.Sh., Sadykova T.I. About conceptual approaches to quality evaluation of postgraduate education of healthcare’s heads..............................................................................................................................................44

Dekhnich S.N., Ugnenko N.M., Peregontseva N.V. Regional problems of advanced training within the course «Public health and organization of healthcare»......................................................................................................................48

Gerasimova L.I., Denisova T.G. Improving of training of high-advanced personnel of healthcare system in Chuvash Republic..........................50

Egiazaryan K.A., Attaeva L.Zh. Social and psychological characteristics of labor collective in healthcare institution...............52

Molchanova L.F., Dunaev S.M., Dudarev M.V. Features of training of healthcare leaders in the department of public health, healthcare economics and management......................................55

Moskalenko V.F., Pariy V.D., Vezhnovets T.A. Studying of needs in professional knowledge of leaders of healthcare institutions of Ukraine during continuous professional development....................................57


Sadovoy M.A., Mamonova E.V., Shalygina L.S., Finchenko E.A. Conceptual approaches to the organization of the innovative medical educational center..........................................................................................................................59

The 90th anniversary of the departmentof public health and healthcare organization with medical informatics of Kazan State Medical University

A.A. Gilmanov

Abstract. The department of social hygiene in the medical faculty of Kazan University was founded in 1923. In different years the department was headed by famous scientists like V.V. Miloslavsky, M.M. Gran, F.G. Mukhamedyarov, T.D. Epschtein and others. The department brought up the whole group of outstanding scientific physicians for 90-years period. Nowadays the department lives a full life, and it is the leader among the departments of the University and successfully performs its mission of providing with the highest quality of educational and scientific activity answering the best level of Russian and foreign medical schools. It is possible because of development and introduction of innovative technologies, implementation of effective models of partnership of the department with public health institutions, aimed at improving management of the healthcare system, improvement of public health.


Key words: the department of public health and healthcare organization with medical informatics of Kazan State Medical University, history of the department, students, scientific and educational activity of the department.

Basic directions of the perfection of medical personnel training

V.Z. Kucherenko, N.V. Ekkert

Abstract. The article presents a review of different aspects of the medical personnel training in Russia. The authors make a conclusion about modern problems of the training of the students in the medical universities and the possible solutions of these problems. 


Key words: medical personnel training, students, medical university.

Problems of training of healthcare management specialists

V.A. Reshetnikov, G.P. Skvirskaya, E.I. Timina

Abstract. The article presents the problems of training and professional competence of healthcare management specialists, conceptual approaches to the improvement of training system of the specialists with medical and non-medical education for executing the functions of healthcare management in modern conditions taking into account the Russian and international demands.


Key words: healthcare management, personnel training, supplementary professional education, baccalaureate, magistracy.

Teaching experience of discipline «public health and healthcare» based on integration with medical institutions

N.S. Strelkov, N.N. Ezhova, N.M. Popova

Abstract. Social and economic reforms in Russia touched on the healthcare system. The last one is under restructuring and the out-patient and polyclinic help takes the important significance. This kind of help is the most popular because it gives the possibility to make the early diagnostic, active treatment, rehabilitation and prophylaxis. It is current to find the approaches to optimization of teaching the section connected with work of polyclinic physician. The possibility of integration with several units of healthcare could make the optimization of teaching. Our experience in this area is reflected in this article.

Key words: teaching, out-patient and polyclinic help, public health and healthcare.

Ensuring quality teaching of health economics in departmentof public health and healthcare organization with IPO-Course of Bashkir State Medical University

N.Kh. Sharafutdinova, M.Y. Pavlova, E.F. Kireeva

Abstract. The article presents several methodical approaches to the teaching of healthcare economics in the department of public health and healthcare organization with IPO-course of Bashkir State Medical University. The article shows that the questions of healthcare economics are reported taking into account the modern conditions of healthcare development. Besides general questions, the educational program includes the questions of budget forming of healthcare and medical organizations, the questions of financing of state guarantees program of free medical care, the economic indexes of work of medical organizations. Some examples of calculation of economical indexes of health and healthcare have been discussed.


Key words: students, standard, economy and healthcare.

Some pedagogical approaches in teaching the subject: «Public health and healthcare organization» in medical university

F.V. Khuzikhanov 

Abstract. Doctors of twenty-first century, regardless of the chosen profession should have the knowledge and skills to assess the indexes of public health, analysis of function and of institutions in conditions of state guarantees of free medical care, health insurance and the development of alternative sources of financing of the sector, the improvement of existing and the introduction of new organizational clinical technologies. The educational process in the department is carried out according to the state educational standards in the specialty (040120) — the organization of healthcare and public health. The program of practical training includes the questions of the organization of the various services, the issues of health insurance, quality of care, planning and finance, economics, marketing and management in healthcare. An important aspect of improving the quality of teaching the subject: «Public health and the organization of healthcare» is the use of modern psychological and pedagogical methods.


Key words: educational process, the subject: «Public health and the organization of healthcare», teaching tactics.

Teaching experience of principles evidence-based medicine as a basis for «Public health and healthcare» discipline learning

A.V. Shulmin, E.A. Dobretsova, I.L. Arshukova

Abstract. The teaching of evidence-based medicine and medical statistics promotes better mastering of the material of «Public health and healthcare» course. It also allows to make students ready for critical reflection of published materials on modern medicine and to develop the ability to correlate the investigation results with specific clinical situation. This is very important and necessary for the modern physician.


Key words: evidence-based medicine, public health and healthcare.

Teaching of medical informatics in Kazan State Medical University

A.A. Gilmanov, V.G. Sherputovskiy, A.N. Khisamutdinov, G.Z. AkhmetzYanova, A.A. Nurmieva, I.R. Iskandarov, D.A. Ivanov

Abstract. The teaching of medical informatics has increased significantly with the ratification of the new federal state educational standards of higher professional education. In KSMU teaching of the disciplines is organized in the department of public health and healthcare organizations with the use of medical information systems functioning in the health institutions of Tatarstan Republic. Topics for individual study are assimilated by using of the distant learning environment (learning management system) Moodle.


Key words: medical informatics, individual work, remote learning, Moodle.

Experience of introduction of innovative educational technologies in system of preparation of doctors of occupational medicine 

N.Kh. Amirov, Z.M. Berkheeva

Abstract. The authors have worked out the program of continuous medical education in the sphere of occupational medicine. The work has carryed on with using of distant education in condition of telemedicine. The program of continuous postgraduate education of doctors of occupational pathology includes internal and distant education with application of innovative educational technologies, participation in certified events. Distant education allows to decrease the cost of education (there is no need to rent the classrooms, to assemble the lecturers and the students) and it makes possible to educate a big number of students. The next stages of realization of the program will be the working out of the credit system for confirmation of certified level of doctors of occupational pathology. Continuous medical education is the most effective instrument for education of doctors of occupational pathology of high level today.


Key words: occupational pathology, continuing medical education, innovative educational technologies.

Tasks of the socio-hygienic departments in working outand implementation of modern strategy of developmentof health’s services 

Y.G. Ellansky, V.L. Fisenko, I.Y. Khudonogov, o.A. Osadchuk

Abstract. Most of the problems of today’s Russian healthcare reforms is the lack of logistical approaches to the development of adequate management decisions in terms of the existence of numerous dis-integrated constituent elements of the system of public health protection. Only specialists (medical logistiocs) can find the way and provide the necessary level of integration. Those specialists are absent in public health services and in healthcare management. Their full training is possible only in high medical schools. However, in the nomenclature of medical specialties there is no discipline «medical logistics». It is obvious that teaching a new subject in the initial stages it is advisable to carry out in form of special course in the departments of public health and healthcare.


Key words: medical service; integration; medical logistics; marketing; the healthcare system.

Teaching features of social pediatrics in pre- and postgraduate educational levels in medical universities of Russia 

V.Yu. Albitskiy, A.A. Ivanova, N.V. Ustinova

Abstract. The article presents the relevance of social pediatric approach and identifies purposes, objectives and issues for the study of «Social Pediatrics» course in pre- and postgraduate educational levels in medical universities of Russia.


Key words: social pediatrics, teaching, children in difficult life situation, families of high social risk.

Professional educational training on discipline «Public health and healthcare» during the realization of Federal State Educational Standard of third generation

V.I. Sabanov, L.N. Gribina, T.S. Dyachenko, E.G. Popova

Abstract. Questions of development of approximate working training programs on discipline «Public health and healthcare» within FSES-3 are discussed. Comparison of working training programs of subject on the basis of SES-2 and FSES-3 is carried out, problem questions for discussion are presented.


Key words: public health and healthcare, continuing education, approximate working training programs, FSES-3.

The clinical aspectin the workof the department of public health and healthcare

V.I. Gorbunov, G.V. Voszhennikova, I.N. Isaeva

Abstract. The aspects of clinical work of the department of public health and healthcare are presented. In order to make the department of public health and healthcare closer to clinical work, the analysis of subject-matter plan of discipline has been made, the territorial location to TPI has been determined, established politics of interaction and methodical direction of team-work have been worked out. The data of questionnaire of graduate-students in their satisfaction in learning the discipline “Public health and healthcare” have been summed up. 91% of students are satisfied by the methods of training; 81.7% of students would like to increase the volume of knowledge in economics and medical insurance of doctor’s work. 


Key words: public health, health care, organization, educational process.

Problems of absence of demand of nursing «bachelor» in the Republic of Kazakhstan

G.A. Satenova, K.K. Kaldybayev, L.S. Ermukhanova, A.S. Kusherbaeva

Abstract. The object of research was revelation of reasons of absence of demand of nursing «bachelor» in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Well known problems of job placement of medical personnel minor salary, the absence of habitation, inadequate professional orientation of university entrants and distrust of head-physicians of medical-preventive institutions decrease motivation to the nursing care while strengthening of role and part of nursing staff is typical for the modern world public health systems.


Key words: professional orientation, order, manager, reform, nursing care, nurse-manager, primary health care.

About conceptual approaches to quality evaluation of postgraduate education of healthcare’s heads

I.G. Nizamov, K.Sh. Zyyatdinov, T.I. Sadykova


Abstract. Last year we can observe the increase of negative evaluations of quality of medical help and of education in high medical help and of education in high medical schools, including the system of supplementary professional education of doctors. It happens on background of positive tendencies to health dynamic of population and work of medical institutions that tells us about serious problems in sphere of adequate quality evaluation in healthcare system and supplementary professional education of doctors, including the heads of healthcare, due to predominance of subject approaches to quality evaluation of enumerated services. These facts determine the necessity of quantitative quality evaluation with using of its informative indicators. The important role in increasing of quality of medical services is effective management of work of healthcare institutions, which heads need to supplementary training on the base of appropriate high schools. The quality of this educational system is connected with improving of approaches to the quantitative evaluation. For objective quality evaluation of continuous education of healthcare heads it is necessary to evaluate in 4 levels: level of audience, level of department, level of educational institution and level of territorial healthcare institutions, sending management personnel to the training. Integrate analysis of indicators of the evaluation levels will increase successful quality evaluation of postgraduate continuous professional education of healthcare heads.

Key words: quality of continuous education of healthcare heads, conceptual approaches to evaluation.

Regional problems of advanced training within the course «Public health and organization of healthcare»

S.N. Dekhnich, N.M. Ugnenko, N.V. Peregontseva

Abstract. The object of this research was the determination of the main problems of supplementary professional education within the course «Public health and organization of healthcare» in the conditions of changes and peculiarity in normative legal base. In 1998—2012 on the base of Smolensk State Medical Academy the need to different Kinds of advanced training has been come to know with using of 8 main normative instruments on advanced training. The need to advanced training (21,9%) is 2 times bigger than to general training (12,3%). Every year the number of students in courses of general training is equivalent. The high need to courses of advanced professional training was marked in 2009 and in 2012, that is connected with changes in normative legal base of healthcare. The big number of people who want to study in advanced professional courses «Public health and organization of healthcare» and in courses of subject-matter training is connected with the need to have license on such kind of work from 2009. The determination of circle of persons having rights to advanced training needs to be explained in addition. As a whole, the system of supplementary professional training of specialists in the area of healthcare organization needs to be devеlopped in accordance with modern peculiarities of healthcare development.


Key words: public health and organization of healthcare, supplementary professional education.

Improving of training of high-advanced personnel of healthcare system in Chuvash Republic

L.I. Gerasimova, T.G. Denisova

Abstract. The article describes the development and work experience of Postgraduate Doctors’ Training Institute in Chuvash Republic. Since foundation of the Institute in 1999, all doctors and nurses of the Republic have obtained professional certificates. In order to prepare high-advanced personnel of healthcare the process of management of postgraduate medical education has been improved including new directions: license, quality control of the training, introduction of new information technologies, cooperation with leading Russian institutions of postgraduate professional education, publishing of scientific medical journal, obtaining of ISO Certificate NRS 9001-2008, research projects and doctoral thesis.


Key words: supplementaryl post-graduate education, licensing, management improving, education quality.

Social and psychological characteristics of labor collective in healthcare institution

K.A. Egiazaryan, L.Zh. Attaeva

Abstract. Increase of level of health of the population is directly connected with availability and quality of medical care which is defined by quality of execution of professional functions, risk minimum during medical interventions, satisfaction of patients with medical care. Satisfaction of patients with medical care depends from social psychological factors accompanying labor process. In this regard the new model of management nominates to one of leading places staffing not only by highly skilled, but also highly moral workers. Underestimation of social-psychological characteristics of collective leads to decrease in efficiency and quality of labor process and to reduction of social effect from activity of all health system. Therefore the modern head of healthcare institution needs to pay special attention to questions of formation and change of social and psychological characteristics of labor collective.


Key words: quality of medical care, social and psychological methods of management, organizational culture.

Features of training of healthcare leaders in the departmentof public health, healthcare economics and management

L.F. Molchanova, S.M. Dunaev, M.V. Dudarev

Abstract. The main direction of the conception of healthcare and medical science development in Russian Federation till 2020 is the increasing of qualification level of medical personnel which may and must be in the departments of the faculties of advanced training of high schools. The application of innovative educational technologies and authors’ methods of teaching guarantees the forming of leader personality of new level.


Key words: head, training, educational technologies.

Studying of needs in professional knowledge of leaders of healthcare institutions of Ukraine during continuous professional development

V.F. Moskalenko, V.D. Pariy, T.A. Vezhnovets 

Abstract. The object of this work was to learn the needs of the leaders of healthcare institutions of Ukraine in professional knowledge depending on leadership experience. On the base of sociological questioning of 162 leaders with different leadership experience it was established that persons, having 1—10 years leadership experience, first of all, want to improve their knowledge in the sphere of medical and labor law, regulatory support of the reforms, management basis; and the persons, having 11 years experience and more want to receive knowledge in regulatory support of the reforms, quality management of medical help, management basis. The leaders of healthcare institutions in dependence of their leadership experience have the definite need in professional knowledge. Leaders with leadership experience less than 10 years, have the need in legislative and management knowledge, leaders with experience more than 11 years have the need in organizational knowledge of rendering of medical help and in management. The most popular for the leaders of healthcare institutions of all groups is the knowledge of healthcare management.


Key words: post-graduate education, continuous professional development, leaders of healthcare institutions, leadership experience. 

Conceptual approaches to the organization of the innovative medical educational center

M.A. Sadovoy, E.V. Mamonova, L.S. Shalygina, E.A. Finchenko

Abstract. On the basis of Novosibirsk Innovation Medical Technological Center (IMTC) was established the Innovative Medical Educational Center (Center). The main activities of the Center are: educational, scientific-methodical and organizational activity at stages of continuing professional education, quality control of educational process, work with medical organizations of entities of Russian Federation (exterritorial activity). The grounds of educational process is the methodology of active training on the base of scenario situational problems constructed on the principles of problem and program education. Distant methods are used in work of the Center.


Key words: innovative medical educational center, innovation medical technological center, four-level educational process.